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96 An Expofitionof the85. Pfalme. Vert.i ;, be full, and to be hungry , both to abound , and to fuf.fet need, &c. Phil. 4: 13. Verf. i 3. Righteott(neff `e Jhall ge before him, andhe piaíifet herftepi in the way. 7f he viieatng IN words he doth the third time give ínftance of the words. fpeciall vertue ; accompanying Gods falvation inChrift; namely, juftice, or righteoufnefhe which Verf. to. he laid kiffed with peace : First, in Chrift , who is the truecMel chifedech, and KingofSalem, Heb. ¡. 2. that is , Kingof righteoufneffe and of peace : then in all thole , that are his redeemed and faved, Rom. 5. i. Secondly, left men fhould miftake in a grace and vertue of that neceffitie and worth, Vert. it. he (hews whence it (hews it felf, namely, from heaven ; and fo it is not a meer humanecivili righteoufnes, but the righteoufnesof God in Christ : as, Rorer. r P. 3, 4. Phil. 3.9. with the fruit thereof inherent righteoufneffe renewed by the fpirit.Thirdly,that men mightbetter know the excellency of Gods falvation in Chrift , and difcern where it comes, here he(hews,, that this vertue (hall (hew it feif in Chriáts kingdome , going before him , and ever accompanying him, wherehe brings falvation. Righteouf- ne,jJ"e: [ballgo before him : that is , the publifhing of juítice and righteoufneffe (hall go before Christ , when he brings falvation. He fliallfet herfteps in the way : that is, Chrift (hall fet the Reps of righteoufneffe in the way that he goes with falvation : whichfeems to import, bothevidence,and fetledcontinuance of.the pradifeofvertue in the kingdom The Ertl of Chrift, where Gods falvation comes. Thevirft Here then mark thefe two points : First, by coileetion from this verle , compared with the former, that Christ Jefus , who brings falvation to his Church , is ehovah that is, true and veryGod : for he, beforewhole face righ- teoufneffewalketh, is he that bringeth falvation : that this verfe faith., compared with the 9, andhe is 7ehavah, verf 41 $2.. for to no other can theaffixe here ufed be referred and