Verf.t3e Alt Expofitiesto f the 85. Pfalme. 97 and per. 23.6. and ;3. I 6. in the title theregiven to Chrift it is molt plain : The Lordour righteoufne ffe d and i yohn 5. 20. If 9.6. Rom. 9.6. Chrift to' over all god hteffedfor ever. And needs he mutt be fo, becaufe he was to juftifie, to The Reaf. fanc`tiue, and fo to fave : elfe none could be faved : as r Car. 6. 9. Rev 21. 27; Now , no creature coulddoeaide things, Rom. 8.3.3 3. thereforeIf. 43. I r. I theLord, and betide me no Saviour. This fervcs for inftrudion, admonition, and comfort. The Erû Lèír For inftruction. First, againft theArriais, that denyed forinf}ruai- Chrìft to be God. But ?ehovah is God. Now Chrift is 00. 7ehovah. Secondly, it fhewes us the depth ofmans mifery, that he fecond by no created power could be delivered, AB: 4. r z. If.63. Ufe for in- s. The refemblance of acaptive unranfomable, but by the ífrufticn bondage ofthe Kings only fonne,dothplainly illulirate our naturali mifery. For.admonition two waves. Firft, to the wicked, that they take heed offuch a courfe of life, whereby they band The Iirft in oppofition and ei mitie againk Christ : for Chrift is life for ad- God, and fo it is a fearful! thing to fall into his hand, Heb. monition. 10. 31. Who bath hardenedhim/elfagainf God ,, and hath promered s Yob 9.4. Now it is true, that all finne fepefates, If. 5 9. 2. and therefore they mutt breakoff the courfe of every finne and inparticular, in a more fpcciall manner, both repent offor the time pail, and for the time tocome bewareofthefe foure finnes. Firft, ignorance of Cod in Chrift : for in the know- ledge of himBands eternall life, john 15. 3. and therefore not toknow himmull needsbe dangerous,not only fhame- full, r Cor. I .34.but damnable, z 71 I. 1,8. Secondly, hardneffe of heart, tobe ebfii atein fnne as 'Dew. 29. 19, 20. fee t'Vark,3. 5. He looked rounda- bout upow themWith anger, being grieved for the hardnefre oftheir hearts. Such have not Gods fpirit, which takes a., El n 3 way