yg AnExpefitio2ofthe85. Pfalme. Verf. 13. way theftony heart, E ek. 36.26. and fo are nobe ofhis, Rom. 8.9. Thirdly, perfecuting Gods holy Religion, or the pisofeha fours of it, Arts 9. 4, 5. I Thef. z. i 5, i 6. Fourthly, Idolatry, that ítirres up jealoufie in the Lord againft men, a cot-. t O. 22. What huaband can endure the adultery ofhii Wife ? See Prov. 6. 34, 3 5. fealoatfie is the rage ofa man, &c. what then is the Lords jealoufie, which he prof&ch is kindled by idolatry ? Exod. zo. 5. The fecond Secondly, to thole, that-profefíe the faith and lay claim Ilk for ad- to redemption,& falvation byChriftJefius,theymuft endear, monition. your themfelves towalk worthyof the Lord unto all plea- fing, Col. t. t o. And for this end, they mull first labour to partakeof themain benefits of Chrifts incarnation, which are redemption, adoption, juftification, and fan tification in this life. Nowour redemption is (hewed by leaving finne, t Pet,. T.t 8.for we are redeemedfrom our vain converfation.And here confider, and efchew the ordinary abufe of the time, fet apart to celebrate the memoryof our Savioursnativity: how unworthy it is ofthe Lordscoming, nay cleancontra- ry, fee tyohn 3.8. and a Pet. 4.3. Our adoption comes hence, Gal. 4. 5 . Now, filch as God takes tobe his formes thould live in obedienceunto him, t Pet. 1.14. &c. z Core 7, t ,z. Our justification isby faith, whichpurifies theheart, 1Fts t 5.9. and brings peace withGod, Rom. 5. r. Our Sanaification isby the fpirit, which reneweth the foule in-. to thegraces ofGods image, Gal. 5.12. The fidt For comfort. First, againft temptation : for Gods work life for coin- is perfeft, Deut. 3 z. 4. and inhim we arecompleat, Col. fort. t , to -. and therefore neither need todespaire through guilt offinne, nor wantof righteoufneífe. The feend Secondly, againft perfecution. Confider z Tim. 2. t 2. life for corn- i f wefuller, we 'hall alfa raigne -with him, Agts 18. 9, I o. fort. Benot afraid, butjeak,,andholdnot thy peace for I am with thee, andnomanJhallfet on thee tohurt thee. And doe as