Verf. i 3. inExpofatronofthe 85. ?Pilot. as theydid, Vasa. 3. l (, 17. fay, We are scot carefull to osa Jiver thee in this matter. Our God ; whom weferve, is able to deliver us, andhe willdeliver sus. Remember Rom. 8. 18. Thefuferings ofthis prelent time, arenot Worthy tobe corn- pared, With the glory whichfallbe revealedins s, 2 Cor. 4. 17. Our light afliFiion, which is butfor a moment, irorktth for us .a farre more exceeding and eternall -weight ofglo.. rie. The fécond thing here to be confïdered is purpofely in.. 'The fecund tended. observation. That righteoufneffe doth ever accompany Chrift Je- fus, where he brings falvation : it goes beforehim, and he fers her fleps in the way that he walks, If 9.7. He fits upon the throneofDavid, toorder it, and to eftablifh it , with judgement, and with justice for ever. if. I r. 4,5. withrigh- teoujneffe'ball he judge thepoore. Rsghteoufneffe'hall be the girdleofhis loynes. Heb. I. 8. A Scepter ofrighteoufnefe uhis Scepter. Pfal. 96. I e, 12. He 'hall judge the world righteoufly With righteoufneffe: therefore he tells John the Baptifl, let it be fonow,forfò it becometh us to fulfill all righteoufneffe, Mat. 3. i 5. that is, todo every thing requi- red ofus by God. The reafon hereofis twofold. Firft, becaufe Chi-ill is The tïrít ehovab, true andvery God, and fo mull needs be ever at- Keafon. tended with righteoufnefle, which is an effentiall, and infer pearable property ofthe true God, Pfal.z 4S. r7. TheLord is righteous inall hisWayes,Rom.3.4, 5. IsGod unrighteous? Godforbid. Secondly, Chrift asmediatour, God man, is called of The fecflnd God the father in righteoufneffe,1f.42. 6. and he is faith- Keafon. ful unto him that called him, Heb. 3.2. being, even in his manhood,filledwith thegifts and graces ofthe fpirit above ineafure, If. 42. I ?ohn 3.34. Thisferves for inílrucIion, admonition, andcomfort. For inflruftion two wayes. Ficit, that the ordinances The Sri- Ute ofReligion, which are instituted by Chrift in his Church, for ia- and rnRión. 99