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=O® A»Expofitios ( the 85. Pfalrr e. Veri.13 and the obfervance thereof required bothof Minifters and ptopie, beall moil juft and righteous. When CA,tofes the fervant of the Lord, had delivered to the Jewes lawes and ordinances from the Lord, he commends them all for righ- teous, and thereupon preffeth the people toconfcionable o- bedience; faying, what nation ù therefogreat, that bathfla- tutes, and judgements, fo righteoub as all thus la », which I fet before thee thin day Only take heed to thyfelfr, andkeep thyfoulediligently, left thou forget, etc. Deut. 4. 8, 9. Why then may we not fay the fame of theordinances of Chrift ? who isfaithfull as Mofes in all the houfeof God, and herein above c_2'iofes a fervant, that he is a Tonne o- ver his own houfe, Heb. 3.2,3,6. Now Chrifts ordinances for falvation, are the minifteryof the word, the admini- Brationof theSacraments, and prayer, with Church difci- f pline. See(Mat. 28. A8, 19, 2o. All power isgivenunto ii me in heavenand in earth: therefore goand teach all nations, baptizing them in the nameofthe Father, the Sonne, and the Holy Ghofl : there heenjoyneth thepreachingoftheword, and baptifme. The Lords Supper, or holy Communion, he had inftieuted a little before hispatfìon, Mat. 26.26. &c. And theexercife ofpublike prayers, to fanc4ifie Gods or- dinances, in obtaining bkfiings,and removing judgements, and praííïngGod, heappointed himfelf, Mar. 18. 19, .o. john16.23,24.Mat.7.7. and by his'Apoftles , i Tim. 2.1. 2. Iwill that prayers andfupplications, d-c. be made for all men. For difcipline, feeMat. i 8. 15. &c. And for. the right and reverend ufe ofthefe,he gave gifts unto men,by his fpirit, fame to be Prophets,fome Apoftles, for the plantingofthe Church, others tobe Paftours and Teachers, for the going onof that building,the foundation whereof is JefusChrift See Eph 4. 8, 9, s 1, 12. 7 cor. 12.28. Thefe areChrifts ordinances, and the obfervance hereof both by Minifters and people is plainly required. For M°nifters fee, a Cor. 4.2. Moreover it is required of the difpofers, or Rewards, that a manbe found faithful!: which