Verf. i 3. An Expoftio» ofthe 85. Pfaime. which faithfulnefre1}and , in givingunto every one his p .r- tion in due feafon. Luke 1 2. 42, 43.46. That is, judge- ments to the wicked , and mercies to the godly , after in firuerion. See, 2 Tim. 2, 25, 26. and 4. 1, 2. for infiru- &ion, for rebuke, i Tim. 4. 20. with Plat. i i. 6. and 75.8. and for comforting the godly , fee, Ifajah 42. I, 2. Color I. 8. i Thef. 5. 14. warn theunruly , comfort the feeble minded : and for necefíity, i Cor. 9. 16. Then for the people , the neceffity of their fu')jeftion , and obfer- vance, is plain. Luke to. te, 13, 16. with, "r7) 13.13. whofo de j ifeth the word(hall be deftroyed. Prov. 28. 9.-He that turneth away his ear from hearing the laW , even his prayer /hall beabhoninable. The charge of Chrift, in all his Epiltles,to the feven Churches ofAfia,that he that lath an ear to hear mill hear ; what the fpirit faith unto the Churches, Rev. 2.7, &c, fhewes the fame; betides theal- lurement from benefits thereby ; as, Ifa. 55. 3. Hear, and yourfoul¡balllive, Rom. TO. 17. Faith comet) by hearing, andhearing ly the word ofGod : it is the wordof bis grace. 14í1-s i o. 3/. And for the facraments, the legali commi- nation,for negleti,orcontempt ofcircumcilon, Gen 17.14. and of the Paf1eover, Exod. 1 2. 24. with Numb. 9.13. fhewes in equitie the necellitieof due partakingofthe I- - vangelicall Sacraments. And for prayer ,the negleft there- of is the brand ofAtheiif. Pal. 14. 1.4, and a finne lia- ble to a grievous curfe. _fa-. 79.6. P out thy Wrath up- on the heathen, that have not known thee : andupon theking- domes , that have not called upon thy name. And he, that (hail refufe fubjeftion to thecenfure of the Church, r11uft be cafi: out as an heathen. (Watt).' 8.17. The weight of their cenfure , following Gods word , fee Verfe t 8. Veri- ly, Ifay untoyou, whatfoeverye/hall l indeon earth, ¡hall be bound in heaven, and Whatfoever ye¡ball loofe on earth, (hall be loofed inheaven. i Cor. 5. 3, 4, 5. I havejudgedalrea- dy in the nameof our Lord?efur Chrift -- todeliverfuch a one ,rntoSatan, for the defírruflionof the f efh , that the 0 0 (brit 10