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102 AnExjoßtionof the 85. Pfalrne. Verfi 3. JJiirit maybePaved in the day of theLord 7efus. Tóafecond Secondly, feeherealfo , that thedifference obferved by life for in- Chrift Jefus, as well about the meanes ofgrace, denying it ítratioa, fome, and vouchfafing it to others, at leaft for a time : as, Math. t O. 5, 6. Gonot into the way of the Gentiles , and into any city ofthe Samaritans enter ye not. Rut go rather to the loft(beep ofthe houfe ofIfrael : and AR: 16.6. they were forbiddenof the Holy Ghoft to preach the word in Afia : but verf. 9, io. they endeavoured to go intoMa- cedonia, afl'uredly gathering, that the Lordhad called them to preach the Gofpel there : as alfo, for the gift of grace it felfto fome, and the deniall of it toothers , amongft whom the meanes isfent ; as we may fee, Chat.13. I 1. It is given to you to know the myfleries of the Kingdome of heaven, but to them it is notgiven. See, I fay, that in both thefe is divine justice; for they are the wayes of Chrift, and therefore jult. The firfi For admonition two wayes. Firf}, to thewicked , that Life for ad- they confider their fearfull and dangerous Rate , wherein monition, they Rand, being indeed enemies to righteoufneffe , both in the affe1ions of their hearts, and the aClions of their lives : asPaul told Elymac , Alts 13. to Thou childe of thedevill , thou enemy ofall righteoufneffe. Now ifChrifts wayes be righteous wayes, which they oppofe, thenwill it be a righteous thingwith God to judge them, as he threat - neth. i, Cor. 6.9. Knowye not that the unrighteous (hall not inherit the KingdomeofGod? They muff know , that if in this life they donot by true repentance prevent it , hereaf- ter under Gods feuere judgements they (hall with Pharaoh, when it is too late, acknowledge the righteoufneffe there- of. Exod. 9. 2.7. Ihavefinnedthis time : the Lord is righ- teous, Iandmy peoplearewicked. The fecund Secondly, to thegodly, that they give evidenceof their titre for admo- approbation of the righteoufnefre of Chrifis ordinances , nition. and thereon fo fubjeci themfelves thereto, that they ap- prove themfelves wife Virgins , who have theoyl ofgrace in