VerC. z3. An Expofitlonofthe 85. Pfnlre: in thevelfelsof their hearts. Jtattb. 25.4. and good and fakhfull fervants, who have well improved their molter; talents, vcrf. 761 r 7. with 2e, :3. moved thereto by the fearful' Elateof the foolifh Virgins, ver': S, 9. and the idle fervant, veri: 24, &c. Forcomfort , this makesgreatly to all thofe, that fuffer The ute for perfecution for righteoufnefie fake : for, as God is righte- comfort, ous in this kinde oftryall and correction upon his children, Pfal. 119. 75. I kaoW , O Lord , that thy judgements are right : and that thou in veryfaithfulnef fe haft oflifted me : fo he will approve himfelf righteous in an happy deliver- ance. Seeing it is a righteous thing with God , to recom- pence tribulation to them that trouble you,and toyou that are troubled,ref with us, 2 Mel: r. 6, 7. 103 dc4 D.HVIDS