Pierson - BS1429 P53 1647

. A i"` `? . . tb Mc . u tram Jaí7ïgAI ,.,a Wmt i>.xiaátfip 4.1 ÿ Po'.tfcript by the Publifher to the RE ADPRS. Chrittian Readers, Hwing drawn forth this .Expo f tion of the 84 Pfalm, asfarreas theperfell Copy ofthe e.1uthors own hand-writing had carried it on , and having log thehopes I hadonce offupplying what ùwanting,on the three lift verfes, oat ofhis other papers, Ihadan intent to undertake that taskmy fel : but uponfurther confidcration, I have now refolved to let it alone , and leave it as 'found it , rather then to fall under his cenfure, thatfaid , Infcelix opens fum- ma ; andto owe themananfwer , whofhouldaska rea- fonofthe difsimilitude in the words of the Poet, who; hefaid ; Amphora cxpit Inftitui , currentc rota cur urceus exit ? For why fhouldrftrive, non paffibus aquis, to follow himafarre off , whom I can have no hope to overtake ? Such a Matter of this faredArt (rightly dividing the wordof truth) he was , that it wouldbeprefumption in mete imagine, that what was left unfrnifhedby him, fhould beperfeeiedby me. And for works ofthisnature, to be ubl edin thisfort, is not without example, amongt the writings either of ancient andmodern LAuthors. Befides (if I bee not rniftaken) both the matter and exprefsions in theft lc three-