}n¡- __ ?3- c.,W:x.^5tAdkA e.46AdAjC:ak,. ,:.,---+; TO THE RIGHT VERTVOVS and religious, mymoil honoured Ladie, the Ladie ANNE WHITNEY, MADAM`, Lthough the eminenceofyour well known worth will admit no addi- tion from any expre f fions, that I bymy tongue or pen canmake, yet Ihopeyour Ladi[hip will giveme leave,as well as Ican, to improve the evidence ofmineown unfeag- nedthankfulne ffe by apublick ackxowledgement of the dutiful! refpe[l, wherein I flandebiiged unto you, for your many undeferved favours unto me and mine,, whereofImayfooner ceafe to be, then fifer f ingratefull oblivion to blot thememorie out ofmy mind. Nor willit (Ion confident) be anygriefofheart, or occafion fenceunto your Ladrfhip, that I take this opportunitie, at once both to tell the world how much I am indebted untoyou, and to intitleyour Ladi[bip in a flcciallman- ner unto apart ofhis works, ofwhomyou not only had a_ reverendefleemwhilefl he lived, but likewifeHillpre- ferve his memorie ais precious. I doubt not but you, and manie others, have longagoe thought it high time that be, wholehippie hand wasan infirument.to bringmany poflhume worksof Perkins to the PrefJ&, andaf- ,K k z ter