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Verf.t. An Expofatianof the87. Pfalme. tempt,whichGod.cannotendure without revenge,as Deut. 27, 47,48. Becàufe thoufervedit not the Lord thy God -with joyful efe, and Withgladnefe of heart, for the abundance ofall things : Therefore thou [haltferve thine enemie.c,which the Lordfhallfendagainftthee, inhunger, and in thir f , and in nakednefe, and inWant ofall things,and hefhall put ayoak. of iron upon thy noch, untill he have defiroyed thee. Where- to adde memos 8.5. i i . This íhould move us to firre up in our hearts, and to The VJ exprefle inour behaviours this fpirituall joy in Gods fer- vice. To this endwe have need of the fpirit, to fanEtifie us, which will make us to rejoyce in Gods . Word, as one that findeth a great fpoyle, Pfal. 119'. 162. And concei- ving it to be the foodour of foules, let us labour to hunger and thirli after it, and then with yob [hall we efteem it a- bove our appointed food, yob 23. 12. And when we know God tobe our God, and the fountainof bleflings tous,we [hall come before himwith gladnefle in prayer, Pfd. 100. 2. and our mouth ¡hall praife himWith joyfull lips, Pfalme 63. 5. The fecond thing tobe noted in the dedication, is the parties, bywhom it is tobe ufed. The fonnes ofKorah. There fonnesof Korahwere the poíterity ofthat rebel. lious Levite, who with Dathan and Abiram rebelled a- gainft vYlofes and Aaron, Numb. r 6. which Korah was confirmed with fire, verfe 35. compared with 17. How- beit, there wereofhis fonnes, that -dyed not, Numb. 26. r i . departing, as it feemeth, from their fathersTent, as all were commanded, 2 ymb. 16. 24.29. And of there is numbred a family of the Korathites, Numb. z6. 5 8. of whom came Samuel the Prophet, and Pleman his Nephew, Chron.6. 33. a great finger, z Chron. 25. 4, 5. 2.Obferva- Here then we may obferve, that the fonnes, that is, the 1-'1" pofterity ofwicked and rebellious Korah, have an honou- table place in Gods facred and folemne fervice, for to theft f'undryofDavids Pfalmes arecommended,as Pfal. 42. 45, -77