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78 din Expottio$of'tbe87. *Ave. 4f, 46. &c. which is no (mall honour. IkeReafn. Nodoubt, 'David faw them, being by place and birth Levites, to be faïthfull and diligent in their place, and thus renownes them to all pofterity, that he compofeth fpeciall Pfalmes, for their mtniftry, in the folemn ferviceof Clod. Vef t. Here fee theverifyingofGods word, for the comfort ofall godly children, that thefonne 'hall not bear the iniqui- ti ofthefather, Ezek. i 8. 14, 17, zo. ifhe fee his fathers finnes and turn from them. r.Objeflion. But, the Lord is ajealous God, viiting the iniquities of the Fathers upon the children, Exod. zc. 5. efAnfwer. That is, enquiring for the finneof the Fathers among the children, and ifhe find it there, then payes he them home. 2.06jeflion. Achans fonnes and daughters are atoned and burnt for their fathers facriledge, 7oJh. 7. 24, 25. and `Dathans and Abirams littlechildren are fwallowed up, Numbers i 6. 27. Anfwer. For ought we know, they might be ofyears of difcre- tion, and privie to their fathers ftealth. When littleones dye in the punilhment of their fathers fin, God layes not the puni(hment of the fathers finneup.. on the children, but to make the fathers finnemore odi- ous, doth then bringupon the children the fruit of their own originali corruption, which is death determined upon all flesh, as appears, Gen. 2. 17. compared with Rom. 5 As a creditor, that hath both the father and the fonne debtors unto him, ',T upon the fathers provocation, lay the forfeiture upon h, being both in his danger. Vfe 2. Secondly, here is fpeciall encouragement to the children ofwicked parents, to become godly anct, faithfull in their places. In fonne fenfe they are the formes of ftrangers; for the wickedare¡Pranged from the womb, Pial. 5 $. 3 yet if they leave their fathers finnes, andbecomefaithful' to the Lord, here is comfort for them, in the honour ofKorah't pofterity. See Ifni. 56. 3,G, 7. Let not thefon ofthe f ran- ger