MINIMMIF Verf. t. AnExpofttionofthe87. Pfdtve. der, thatjoyneth himfelfto the Lord,fay, the Lorddhathut- terlyfeparated me from his people. For the Tonnes of the ltranger, that joyned themfelves to the Lord, to fervehim, and to love the nameof the Lord, to be his fervants, &c. Even them zrilll lring to my holy i lountain,andmake, them joyfull in my houle ofprayer, &c. For them that honour me I Will honour, faith the Lord, i Sam. 2.30. Thus much for the Title; the Pfalme it felfe follow- eth, 79 Verfe /. Hisfoundation is in theholy tiliIouutaines. Hat is, God foundedhis holy City, and San&uary, The meaning ji among the holy Mountainsof yudca, even on Mount of the words. c)Woriah, 2 Chron. 3. i . and Mount Sion, Pfal. 48. 2. For the relative hereufed, hath the Lord, named in the next verfe, for his antecedent, towhich it is molt fitly and pro- perly referred, according to our translation, wherewith, a- mong varietyof references by interpreters , I rel}bei fa- tisfied. In the words fo underflood, two things are contained ; Firft, theauthor and founder ofthe Church, fhadowed out by theholy City and Sanctuary at 7erufalem. Secondly, the fear thereof. For the firft, The true Church, typified by the holy Ci- i. O6ferva., ty and Temple at yerufalem,is a fpirituall building of Gods tion. own foundingand making.Here it is called his foundation. And, in regardof him founding it, it is called his Taber- nacle, Rev. 2i. 3. and the holy City coming downfrom hea- ven, Rev. 2I. 2. 1orufalemfrom above, Gal. 4. 26. This is that City,in the gloryofit, which, the Patriarchs fought, whole builder and maker is God, Heb. i i . i o. This is molt plain, if wee confider, i. the foundati- on Chrift Iefüs : For other foundation canno man lay, faith St. Paul, i Cor. 3. i i . and God himfelf faith, helay- eth this, Ifaiah 28. 16. Thus faith the LordGod, Behold' lay in Zionfor a foundation alone, a tryed(tone, aprcciossa L I corner