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%410,Ex titwofthi 87 Pf4me. Vtrf. z. corner''ftone, af tsrefoundation. a. The upper buildingChri. ffians, Y Pet. 2.4. 5. Towhom coming, as unto a living Slone, difallowed indeed of men, but chofen of God, and pti+ecious, ye alit), as livingfuns, are built up, a fpirituall hòufe. It. Thebuilders, both efficient, and ink}rumentall, God andhis Minifiers, i Cor. 3.9. For We are labourers together with God ; ye areGods husbandry,ye are gods boil- ding. The Reafon. The reafon is, the praife of thegloryofhis grace,among his elec3, and chofen people : For here God lets his name, Deutr. ; ..and:wi1F be glorified in his people, Ifaiah 49.3. Theufe for Thisfetvës for infftuetiòn,concerning the lkability of the iniiruftion. Church ; not only in thewhole, as Gods building, against which thegates ofhellfhitll not be able toprevaile, Mat. i 6. i8: but in every tru6mtinbix ofit; as Gods workmanfhip in Chrif Iefiis, Ephef. z. I o. For it is God that eftabli(heth us inCltriíf, z Cor. r. 2 í . Chrift, asa fhepheard, willnot lookone Cheep. c_ly ibecp bear my voice,andIknow them, and they follow me. And lgive unto them eternall life, and they'hall never periA, Nleitljer(hallanyman pluck,themout ofmy hand, ibhtrrc: iß,8. While IWas With them in the world, I ekept than in tby name ; - thofe that thou gavefl mee Ihave kept, andnone ofthem is loft hit theflame ofperdition, lohn z .i S. Fie being their head, and they beinghismem- tiers,) i Can. /1 2. n7, will he fufferthem tobepulled away? Mil,. , he is the13i1iour ofhis body, .Epinef 5. '2 3. The firft u% it ferves for admonition likewife; Firík for Miniflers, for admoniti- in regardoftheir doctrine, whereby they are workers to- m. gethsr with. Get,' z Cam. 3.9.compared with 2 Cor. 6. 1. They Ira& not be 41414, nor negligent',. but wife.and faithfull,in this great work offpirittallbuilding. The fown- dation:being laid,which is Iefis Chrií, they musttake heed what theybuild thereupon, forgery. manswork fhall bee The d redcmitriif t t, ,'the;day talldeclare it, of What 'it is ufe foradmo, : 3. - ho'ice c ' : , vitiate. '.;fscconitly, fdrGodspeople ; every one Inuit fuffer hirn- felfe