Vert1. An Expofitlon of the87. PJahoe. felfe to be wrought upon in theminif{ry ofthe word,tobe hewen and fquared and fitted, to lye upon Chrift : which we then are, when we be brought to leaveLinde, by true repentance, to live in Chrifi, by true faith, and towalk in new obedience, in the courfeofour lives, thereby tefiifying the truthofour faithand repentance. Therefore with St Paul, Heb. 13. 22. befeechyou brethren, fuffer theWordof exhortation. Tht fecond thing to be here obferved is, the feat ofGods building, where he layes the foundation of hisholy City andTemple, namely, in the holymountains ; whichmay be underiood generally of the land of Canaan, which was a mountainous country, Deut. i z .i1. Gods inheritance cho- fen for his ownpeople, Pfal. 97. I, compared with Pfal. 47.4. called hi ¡ioly border, Pfal. 78. 54. that land which he bordered out for his people, .7 jmb.34.3,&c. Or more particularly of the Mountains Sionand v`Ytoriah, whereon tlàod byhis fpeciall providence caufed 7erufalem his holy City, and the Tempie his holy Sane:bary, tobe fèatedand built. And thefe mountains atc called holy, not for any holi- neffe, or fanc`fity inherent in the foyle, or ground ; but firff, from Godspretence, who chofe chiefehills for his feat to dwell in, as 'Pfal. 68. . Pfa1.74, 2. Pfal. 132. 13. If 8. i S. and Zech4r. 8. ? Thus faith the Lord, I am returned untoZion, and,will drprll ix :l,c midff offerufalem, and le- rufalem (hallbe calleda City ortruth, and the (Mountain the Lord ofbolus, The holy i osetain, Secondly, from that holy ufeand employment, whereto heput thefemotes ain ,. for hereonwas built theholy City, Dan. 9.16. and thèho. ly Sanc`fuary, or Temple, z Chron. 3. I.. Pfalme,,78. 68,69. Mark then, God builds 7erutllem the holy city, and the Temple his holy fanetuary, ontheholy mountains, Sion, 2' "Jeer and c.Moriah : the places before quoted fhew-it plainly.; trap. withPfal. 122. I . &C. The reafon hereof is two -fold ; Firf, to let his people Rea,fan ? L 1 2 know