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82 lin Expofitianofthe87. Pfälme. Verra. know, that their sod, withwhom theyenter covenant, is amoil holyGod ; for the very place ofhis fpirituall abode, andof his holyfolemnfervice, is an holyplace; Pfal. 99. 9. Exalt. theLordotir god, undworfhipat his holyhill, for the Lordour God is ho y,Jolh.2 4.19. Ye cannotferve the Lord, for he isan ho y god. Secondly, to prefigulre, and (hew forth in plain type, the infeparable property ofGods true Church,namely,that it is holy and fanclified. As theholy Temple' was built upon the holy hill Moriah, fo is Gods Church built upon Chrift Jefus; all holy. Chrift Iefus as the foundation and fountain, that holy thing, Luge i. 3 5. the holyone ofGod,Mark i.2-1. Chriftians thorough his redemption, and thefandification ofthe fpirit, :holy ones, Eph. 5. 25,26, 27. Chrifl loved the church, and dgave himfelfefor it, that he mightfanai'e, and cleanfe it,with the Wafhingof water, by th.e word, That bee might prefent it to himfelf,scglorious Church,not havirgfpot, ar. blemifb. Hence is that ofthe Apoftle, i Cor. 3.16, 17. Knowye not that yeare the Temple of God, and that the fJ'i- rit of Cloddwelleth inyou ? Ifany man defile the Temple of God, him 'ball Gaddeflroy : for the Templeof God is holy , whichTemple yeare. And 2 Cor. 6. i6, 17. What agree- ment hath the Temple ofGod with Idols ? for ye are the Templeofthe living God, as God hath faid, I 'tilldwell in them, andwa/hjn them, and I will be their God, and they jhall be my people. Wherefore, come outfromamong them , beyefeparate, faith the Lord, and touch not the uncleane -rig, and 1 will receiveyou. And i Pet. z. 5, 9. Te alfo, lively fronts, arebuilt up afjürituall boute, an holy Priefl- aood, a chofèngeneratiprt; a rajahlT riefi'hood, an holy km- tion, apeculiarpeople. - This ferves for inftruaion, admonirion, and comfort. For inftruaion. It plainly difcovers the fearful! eftate of allprophane and wicked perlons; as idolaters, fwea= rers,. Sabbath-breakers , drunkards, adulterers, and the dike. Fòr though they have beene baptized, and -do come to Reafon2. e ufe for itrttRión.