Verf.1. An Expofitivnof'the 87. Pfatme. 83 to the Lords fervice, yea to his holy table, yet certainty they are no true and lively members ofthe Church ; but like Cham, in Noah's ark, gen. 9.18. 25. an accurfed perfon, in a godly family ; like chaffe among the corn, on the barn- floore, fiat. 3. I2. like tares amongthe wheat in the field, Mat, I 3. 3 8. like droffe among thegood fifh, in the net, Mat. 1 3.47, 48. 49.likeSimon Magus, though baptized, yet in the gall ofbitterneffe, and bondof iniquity, riffs 8. 1 3.23. For every truemember of the Church muff: needs have fcllowlhip withChrift Iefus, the true foundation be- ing built upon him. But flail the throne of iniquity have fellowthip with thee, Pfal. 94.20. What fellowfhip hat/' righteoufnefe with unrighteoufrreff e ? and what communion -kath light withdarknef e ? and whatconcordhath Chrifl with Belial ? or what part kath he that beleeveth,with an Infidell ? and what agreement bath theTempleofGod withldols ?z Cor. 6.14,1 5, r 6. Ifwe fay,that we havefellowlhipwith him, and walkìn darkneffe, welye andclo not the truth, t Iohn T. 6. Thede fur For admonition, a moil effec`Iuall motive unto holineffe ; admonition. as well to get it into our hearts, as all() to expreffe the truth ofit in our lives. This duty iscommanded, He.'. i 2. 14. Follow peace With all men, andholineffe, Without Which no man /hallfee the Lord. And 2 Cor. 7. t . Having therefore there promifes, let us clenfe our felves from all filthineffe of the flefh, and fpirit, perfectingholineffe in the fear ofGod. Now, though theworker ofthisholineffe be God alone, by his fpirit;for who can bring a clean thing out ofat. unclean? yob 14.4. Yet ordinarily he doth it inmeans; wherein God requireth, that natural! men fhould exercife themfelves.For want hereof, he complainethof the ?ewes, that therein he would have gathered them, as an hendoth her chickenun- der her wings, but they would not, (..Matthew23.37. They would not come tohim that they might have life , yohn 5.4o. Therefore he faith ; The ueen of the South (hall rife up in judgement againf this generation , and (ball condemn it ; for thee came from theuttermoit parts of L 3