84 AnExpofitionof the 87..Pfalme. Verf. ï the earth, tohear the wifdome ofSolomon, and behold , a greater then Solomon is here, Mat. I t, 42. Gods manes Gods means forholinefie, enjoyned to man, is twofold, for bclineff°. theword and prayer. Theword is the feed, even the im- mortall feed ofour new birth, wherein corruption is abo lifhed, and grace renewed, i Pet. i. 23. ?ohn 17. 17. And prayer obtains the fpirit, Luke I i . IF. which is the author ofholinefle, in the hearts ofGods children, I Pet. i. 22. whereupon Davidprayes, to be wafed thoroughly, to bee purged andwafhed, to have a clean heart created, and a right fpirit renewed in him, Pfal. 5 T. 2, 7, 8, and hew they Yet every kind ofexercife in thefe ordinances, doth not muff be ufed. intitle untoholinefhe, but fuch, as is joyned with reformati- on of life, Prov. 1.23. with trueearneft defireafter holi- nefe, If 5 T . a. withconfcionable endeavour of obedience to that we know, AEs 5. 3z. In all which we muff wait upon the Lord, for that we do defire, and not limit him, either for timeor meafure ; as Colof.4. 2. Cortinue inpray- er, andwatch in thefame with thankefgiving : And then, if we wait patiently, God will hear, as Pfal.g-o. i. I Waited patiently for the Lord, andhe inclined tsr:o me, and heard my cry. How holineffe Thecareful' exprcflingofholinefïein life muff be in all muít be ex- fi y mannerofconveraton.As he which hath called preffed. ou his ho- ly, fo be ye holy in all manner of converfation, I Pet. 1. 15. feeing then all thefe things ihall be difolved,what man- ner of perfons ought ye to be, in all holy converxtion and godlinelè, 2 Pet. 3. i i. that is, as well in theduties ofour civili callings, as in theexercif s of Religion, elfe we have Phew ofgodl.ireffe, but deny the power ofit, t him. 3.5 Theufe for For comfort, this makes grea tly to all that be trulygod- comfort. ly, living in the Church ; for they are living ftones, fure- ly built upon Christ Iefus, the tryed foundation ; theyare pillars in the houle ofthe Lord, and Ihall goriomoreout, Rev. 3. 13. Now the truthofour piety and hoiinefl'e muffbe expref. fed, according to Chri is diree`hon, Luke 6, 47, 48. comr