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Verf.2. 411, Expofitionofthe 84. Ffa/me. come, and hear, anddoe ; fo {hall our building (land again1i all affaults, andblafts of temptations, from the world, the flefh, and the devil]. Verfe The Lord loveth thegates ofZion, more then alí the dwellingsof 'aco6. A Second evidence of theChurches happineffe, inbeing The meaning the chief object ofGods fpeciall love,having a greater of the words, part and portion therein, then any other llateor condition ofmen in the world befìde. Which indeed was the true ground and caufe ofthe former benefit , and of all other that follow. For thebetter underlanding whereof, we mull know, that there is a double trope in the words : Firft, the gates ofSian, part of the buildingofthecity, upon mount Sion, are put for the wholecity7as it was a typeofGods Church in Chrift, who, as Mediatour, here began the fetled buil- ding and government ofit ; as Pfal. x. 6. compared with Luke 1.32. 33. secondly, 7acob is here put for his poilerity, the whole twelve tribes, who inhabited all the land of Canaan, as if he would have Paid, The Lord indeed bears a good affec4i- on to the whole land of Canaan, where his people dwell ; as Deut. It. i 2. A landWhich theLord thy God careth_for, the eyes ofthe Lord thy God are alwaiesupon it ? but above all the places thereof, he bears a good affefion towards Mount Sion, whereon his holy city is built, which is the type, andbeginning of his true Church in drift,vifibly re- prefented in a felled choyce place. In the words thus conceived, note thispoint, that God The oófer- loves his Church aboveall other hates and conditions of vation. men in the world whatfoever, cAIal. 'i .1, 2, 3. Theword of the Lord to 1frael (that is, the pofterityof?acob, the Church in thnfe dayes) Ihave lovedyou, faith the Lord ; (and that more then others) for,wasnot Elam 7acobsbro- ther, faith the Lord ? jet Iloved7acob, and Ihated Efate, which