86 Verf.i. 4 Expafitionofthe 87. Pfal me. which, in themolt mildand favourable interpretation, ta- kinghatred for leffe love, as Gen. 29. 3r, 31. proveth the point inhand, that God loves his Church, above all other gates and conditions ofmen in theworld, ?ohn t 3. i. Ha- ving loved his own,whích were in the world,he loved them unto theend. Eph. 5. z 5 . Husbands, loveyour -rives, even as Chrift loved his Church. Chrift Jefus in love tohisChurch makes himfelfe a pattern to husbands to love their wives. Nowweknow, every husband fhould lovehis owne wife, more then any other woman in the world, and there- fore wee need not to doubt , but Chri,{t doth fo to his Church. This will yet more plainely appeare , by thefe three things : Firft, Gods delivery vouchfafed to his Church from e- vils. Secondly, his advancement of her to fpeciall eftate of happineffe. Thirdly, themeans ofboth, which is Jefus Chrift given unto her. For the first, the greatneflè of Gods love, inhis delive- ry ofhis Church, will plainly appear by that which is faid thereof, both in general!, and in particular : In generali. c..24any are theof fliflions ofthe righteoru, but the Lord deli- vereth him out ofthem all, Pfal. 34 t 9. He vifiteth and re- deemeth his people, and delivereth them out of the hands ofall their enemies, Luke i . 68.74. In particular, Gods Church inher felf, is liable to temporali evils in this world, and to evils eternal! it theworld to come ; for they were by na- ture the children ofwrath, even as others, Ephef. 2. 3. Now, from eternal! evils, Godgives to his Church ab- folute and perfe t deliverance. There is no condemnation to them that are in Chrift jails, Rom. 8. r . On them the fecond death hath no power, Rev. zo. 6. But it is not fo withothers, that be ont of the Church ; to them it will be laid, Depart fromme, yecurled, into everlafting fire, Mat. 5. 41 And The great- neffe of Gods love to his Church feene in three things. i. Indelive- ring her from evils.