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Verf. 2. AnExpofitzenofthe87. Pfalme. And,for deliverance from temporali evils, in this world whether corporali, or fpirituall gods Church hath a grea prerogativeaboveothers, though not in abfolute freedom from them ; for we mutt throughmany tribulations, en ter into the kingdome of God, eAtc}s 14. 22. and th Church ofGod is greatly affiided when all the earth fit tech ,fill, and is at ref. Zech. i . I I, 12. Yet in her füffer ings, the Church of God bath a great meafure of deliver ance , which the world doth ever want : namely, from th curfe of God , which ever accompanieth temporali evils the men of the world; as Zech. 5. 3. For, Chr' hath redeemed his Church, from the curieofthe law, Gal 13. and. the evils that lye upon them, arecorrec4ions fo finne. When we are judged, we arechafened ofthe Lord that we may not be condemned with theworld, I C'or.1 I 3 2. or trials ofgrace : as am.1,2, 3, My brethren, count i aIloy , whenyefall intodivers temptations. Knowing this, that the tryingofyour faith workethpatience, I Pet. I. 6 7. whereinye greatly rejoyce : though now for a feafon ( need be) ye are inheavineffe, throughmanifold tempta- tions : that the triall of your faithbeing much more pre- cious, thenofgold that perifheth, though it be tried with might befound unto praife, and honour and glory, at appearing of Jefus Chri t. lob 2. 3. TheLordfaid to , haft thou confidered my fervant ?oh that there none like him in the earth ; aperfec`l andan upright man, one that fearethGod andefcheweth evill ? andRillhe holdethfaft his integritie , although thou move me againft him , to de- ftroyhim without caufe. For the fecond. Gods advancement of his Church to a fpeciall efate ofhappineffe is two fold : partly, in thisworld, and prin- cipally, in theworld to come. In this world, fometime with outward peace and plenty, to the admirationof the world, as in the dayes ofSolomon, I Kings Io. And though many times the Church of God hath a finall portion in temporal! hidings , for their felicitie is Mm not t e e e , !. r 0 t f a as i. In ädvän] chug her to a fpeciall flue ofhappineffe in this wórld.