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8$ Expnftier of 87.. ?pone . Var. 2. rot in this life, if in this life onlywe have hope in Chrilt , weare of all men molt miferable, i Cor. 15. 19. yet bath fbealwaies in Chrafl'efus true right untoall tcmporall bleu: flags, for Chrift is Lordofall, Mat. 2 8. Y 8. and in him all things areyours, whether Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things prefent, or things to come, I Cor. 3.2 I ,f2 2. She hash alfo a fandifiedofe of what the enjoyes, and Tweet content therein, whether her portion be feana l or great. /have learned, in What everftate I any, therewith to ke coa;tent. I know, both how to be abafed, and I knowChow toabound every Where, in all things I am inflru- ¿ied, both tobefuel, and to be hungry, both toabound, and to fuffer need, Phil. 4. t I, I 2. living under that fpeciail pro- vidence, whereby file is preferved night and day, Ifaiah 27. 3.. But in fpirituallbleffings is her fpeciall advancement a- bove the world. Blefied. withall fpirituall bleflings, inhea. verily places, in Chrilt, Eph. r .;. Eye bath notfeen, ncrare hoard, neither have entred into the heart of man, the things l',hichGod loathpreparedfor them that love him, s Cor. 2.9. As, in efféttuail calling to the mate ofgrace, wherein they have fpirituall fociety with God in Chrilt : Bleffed is the manwhom thou choofefl, andcaufef to approach unto thee, that he may dwellin thy Courts; Wee fall be fatiFhied with thegoodneffe ofthy houfe, even of thy hely. Temple, Pfal. 65. 4. beingmarried unto him. For thymaser is thine husband, If. 54. 5. And, I will betroath -the unto mefor Aver, yea, I will betroath thee unto me in righteouf,ref fe,andin judgement, and in lovingki,adneffe, and in mercies, IWill even betroath theeunto me infaithfulneffe, and thoujhal t know the Lord, Hof. 2. 18, 19. foPfal. 45. and Canticles. '1t1 juftiEcation. from,the guilt offinne. Mvenas Avid a'lfo defribeth'the bieífednefl'eof the man, unto-whomGod imputeth righte- oufne lewithout works ; faC1ing, Bleiredare they;rrhoJe ini- quities areforgiven, andwhofe f rznes are covered : `Ble. fed t s theman, toWhom the Lord rani l nvt mutef tine; . TOM. 4. 6, 7, 8. Inadoption, to tilebonour and t-ate of";fonnes arrd 'daughters; Behold, what Manneroflove the Father h t be-