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r Vérfz." 4nExpofition of the 87. Pfalre. bellowedupon us, that wefho:sld be called the Jòns of god, r ?ohn 3. I. In fandification, to the abolifhingofccôrrp- tion, in regard of dominion, and the renewingof the foule, inknowledge, righteoufneffe and true: holineffe, Eph. 4. 21, 22,23,24. In which eitate,they are madeKings and Frielis unto God, Rev. r.5, 6. ftrengthenedwith all might, accor- ding to hisglorious power, Col. i . i f. and fablifhed, in Chrift, andon Chrift, fo as thegates ofhell (hall not pre- vaile againft them, vLtatthew i 6. 18. See 2 Corinthians 2.(ßc. In the world to come, Gods advancement ofhis Church In the world is perfect, unto all fulneffe ofjoy, and height ofhonour for to cotile. evermore. Then they receive the Kingdome prepared for them, Mat. 25. 34. andware the crown ofrighteoufneffe laid up for them, 2 Tim.4.8. Now they have on themwhite robes, of perfeft holinefle, and palmes in their hands, offull con- queft over all enemies, Rev. 7. 9. Now they are in Gods prefence, where is fulneffe ofjoy, and at his right hand , where arepleafüres for evermore, Pfd, i 6.11. They enjoy that glory, wherewith, theafl3idions of this prefent time arenot worthy to be compared,Rom. 8.i 8.thehope where ofwill fultain the foule in the greatestdiftreffe, as 2 Cor. 4. 14, i 6, 17. Knowing, that he Which railedup ?efus, hall rail up us alto byyefus,6 -hallprefent itsWithyou.For which cautewefaint not, but, though our outwardmanperifh , yet the inwardman is renewed day by day. For our light affliti- on, Which is butfor amoment, Wor4 eth for usa farre more exceedingandeternall weight ofglory. So as indeedwe may fay of thefe glorious joyes, as the Meen of Sheba faid of Solomons wifedome, 1 Kings 10.7. the one halfe thereofwas notJhcweduntome. Thirdly, the greatnefle ofGods love to hisChurch doth 3 Itì the appear, in the means ofboth the former ; which is the gift Chrít Jefus.h ofJefus Chrift, hisonly begotten fonne, to become man," and to dye for their finnes, and to rife again for theirji4. fication, Row. 4.25, He redeemeth his. Church from the Mm 2. curie