I 90 .Rn Expofitionofthe 87. Pfalme. Verf.2 curieofthe law by becoming himfelfacuriefor them, Ga1.3. I3.Hedelivereth them from the wrath to come, i Thef. i. so. Andhereupon, by wayofexcellence, is called the deliverer and redeemer, Rom. r r. 26. out ofIf. 59. zc. where the fame word is ufed, whichyob hath, calling Chrifl. his redee- mer,Job 19. z 5. It is he alfo, that doth exalt and advance his Church to falvation and glory. silly fheep hhare my voice, andI know them, and theyfollow me, and 1give unto them eternali life,John IC. 27,28. For Godbathnot appoin- tedus toWrath ; but to obtainfalvation by our Lord 7efus Chrifl, i Thef. 5.9. TheReafon. The reafon hereof is not any thing in the Church, exi- gent or forefeen, as a meritorious, or moving caufe ; for God loves herfreely, Hofea 14.4. Her loathfome Rate in corruption fhewes it plainly, when the firft evidence there- of is given. when Ipaged f by thee, andfax), thee polluted' in thy blood, IPaidunto thee, When thou wag- in thy blood, live. Thy time was as the time of lave, Ezekiel 16. (,8. Yet,when the Church hath being , as it is built upon Chriic Iefus, and is enduedwith the fpirit,and beautified with the graces thereof, even for all there doth Gods love aéually en- creafe towards his Church, to the daily provocation of her love to him again, withpraife and thankes, and more confcionable obedience for his glory, as D eutr. 10. 12, cc. This ferves for inftrudion, for admonition, and com- fort. The ufe For inílruc`hon twowayes ; Firíl, it fi}ewes what a blef- £orinftruftion. fed thing it is to be a true member of Gods Church ; for all fuch have true part and portion inGods fpeciall love, as is before ihewed. Now, this is the fountainofall bleßîngs,evenof the lief ling ofhidings, thegift of thefonne of god. Fur, Clod fò lo- ved the World,that hegave his only begotten Sonne: that Who- foever beleeveth in him, fhould not perifh, but have everla- fling life,John 3. i 6. With Whom come all other good things. He that!earednot his uwnfonne, but delivered him up for ua all;