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94 40.xpefitionofthe87. Pfalme. Vert. 3 moniíhed, to beware of wrongirg Gods children ; for God,that loves them above others,will require and requite it, P f al . t o. 14. as P f alm o 5 . 4 , 1 5 . Hefuf fered no man to do themWrong; yea he reprovedKingsfor their fakes: fay- ing, Touchnot mine annointed,and domy Prophets noharme; He that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of mine eye. Zech.z. 8. Therefore it will be good to regard, and follow the counfell ofGamaliel, As 5. 38. Refrain from thefe men , and let themalone ; le (1 we befoundfighters againft God and it befaidtous , as it was unto Paul, Ads 9. 4,5. Saul,Saul, Why perfecuteft thou me, &c. For confolation, it makes greatly to every true member of GodsChurch, in any diftreflè : for certainly they have a fpeciall part and portion in Gods love ; from which no afflicîions can feparate them, fee Rom. 8. 35, 37, 38, 39. Whofhallfeparateu` from the love ofChrifi ? fhall tribulati- on, or,diftreffe, or perfécution, orfamine, or nakedneffe, or pe- rill, orfword ? Nay, in all thefe things Weare more then con- querours, through him that loved us, &c. Having loved.his owne Which Were in the World, hee loved them unto theend, John 13. r. Therefore, even in of iiUion, theymay fay,Re- joyce not againß me, O mine enemie, When I fall, I fhall a- rife, when Ifit in dark,neffe, the Lordfhall bea light unto me, Micah 7.8. Verle 3. Glorious things are fpokZ,en of thee, thou City of God. The me ring Third thing letting out thehappineffeof the Church, of the words. that though her prefent outward ftatebe not alwayes comfortable,and glorious; yet, even then her future hopes, upon divineprophecies and promifes, aregreat and excel- lent. In thewords note two things : Firs, the defcriptionof the place. Secondly,the declaration ofher happineffe,in theground ofher hopes. For