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Verf.2. á4ß . pofFios2 oft/ e Pjime.. people, prófefììng religión, be Gods true Church is a great queltion, oflarge extent, and much difputed between' Pro- tellants and Papil}s. For our ditec`tionand refolutión brief ly let us learn thi.. That the true Church is Chrills'mÿfti- call body, Eph. i. 22, 23. Gave him (that is Chrift) to be the head over all things, to the Church, which is his bo- dy. That fpirituall building which confifs of fpirituall ii- ,vit g hones, built upon the foundatiofi Thins Chtilt..i Peet. 2. 5, 6, '7. Mat. i6. i 8, i Cor. 3.9. That is f ch.profef- fours ofthe thefaith ofthe Gofpell,.as by the work ofthe fpirit are indeed with true faith, and adorn their profeilìorí with newobedience. Now then thofe that profeffe Religi- wn,:and have communion and fellowChip with Chrift, throughthe workof the fpirit in grace, undoubtedly are true membetsof(brillsChurch. But thcfe, that b& denced towant fellowfbipwithChril3 through faith, are no Church ofGod, nor truernenibers thereof. Now they of the ChurchofRomeare cut oft-from this fellow h ip :`by their ido'atry,Cal.a.18,19. Lot ná won deptilèypottf_par reward in á valontary humilityOndworjippin ,f ; .°Telzr3 intruding into thole things,Whichhe both notfern, ainly yep by hisfleftily mind andnot holding ,the,head, &c. By their opinionofjuilificdtio4 r .wiarJs. Chr:iff igb¢N comeofnone effeauntoyou,whofoever ofyouaxe ¡a:MU( by the Law, ye are fallen from grace, (al. 5.4. Bymaking the-Pope thehead:oftheChurch for`:hes :Anfrhrif£, and thofe that fo hold areAntichriaian ; the true Chi hath not two heads. TheWay totticong-trielfambepiofCtirrifh tht'tch for lure title to Gods ;1 &iaWlove, i .hunnblyand erentf r to '"w 9tß1'1) receive the %void of the covenant and canfitiöly oo yeeldobediaenee thereunto as, .Dent. 33. 3,: Morki6.1t5. The right receiving is by faith, i Pet. 2.7. And the tai therecotini `.fie-tell=i edbrAedieme .. - I4fr:t fatili or- kethby love, Gal. 5, 6. And thin is the love o fGod, ,h1*k; t kE t;oisitimodeme c, i ;.. Thefecoñd Secondly, the wicked ofthe world mutt hereby Ile dl ufe for admo- moniíhed, ñition.