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96 A'r;.Expofition ofthe 87. Pfalme. Verf. 3 The firil ufe for admoni- tion. The fecond ufe for admo- nition. 0i/fountainsfhakeWith thefwelling thereof. There is ariver, theftreams zrhert offhall,makegladthe City ofGod , theholy place oft ie Tabernacles ofthe?noft high. God is in the midyt ofher, ¡he fhall not be moved; Clod!hall helpher,and that right early, Pfal.46. t . &c.God is known in her pallacesfor a refuge, Pfal. 48.3. And for the true Church her felfe in all ages : Vpaa this rockjvill Ibuildmy Church» dthegates ofhell fhall not prevaile agai4it, Mat. i 6.14iNoWeapon that is formedagainft thee/hallpro(er ; and every moue that !hall rife againft thee in judgement, thou /halt conclemne, Ifaiah 54. 17. Foradmonition, it ferves two waves ; Firf}, as we delire true fafety, and falvation eternal!, fo to joyn our ferves tru- ly to GodsChurch ; for upon Mount Sion (hall be delive- rance : Obad. 17 . This is as 7[ ah's Ark, intowhich all muff come,that lookto be faved from the deluge ofdamna- tion, .Heb. i r. 7. Therefore it is faid, that God added to his Church daily filch as fhouldbe faved, A1s 2.47.Now theway into Chrifts Church is by true repentance,and faith inChrift jells, as Át1s 2. 38. qi. Then Peter faid unto them, Repent, andbe baptizedevery one o f your, in the name of ?11l Chrift, for the remijonoffrnres, andyelhall receive thegift ofthe holy Choi. Then they, that (rladly receivedhis Word, Were baptized andthefameday there were addedun- to them about threethoufandfcnles. Secondly, when wedo profeffe the truth of Chrift, we muff walkworthy of this holy place, by a continuall daily ftrife and endeavour after fanc`tification, teftified in new o. bedience. Hereinto none doenter, or continue, that are unholy, or prophane. There (hall in no wife enter into it any thing that defleth, neither Whatfoever worke,th abomination , or ìaketha lye: but they Which are written in the Lambs baohoflife, Rev. 2 I. 27. This is Gods holy city, not only in regard oftheowner, God himfelf, but of all the free de- nifons, the true inhabitants thereof.Gods people areanho- ly nation, i Pet. 2.9. and the Lord faith, Be ye holy, for 1 stnholy, Levit. i i.44, 45. Even holy in abí}aining from outward