8.8 doExpof moftht 87. Pfume. Var. z. ß^,ót inthis life, if in this life onlywe have hope in Chril , weare ofall men moll miferable, i Cor. i 5, 19. yet bath fhe alwaies in Chrafi efus true right untoall tcmporall blef- fngs, for Chrif is Lordofall, Mat. 2 8. 18. and in binall things areyours, whether Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things prefent, or things to come, I Cor. 3.2 1,22. She bath alfo a fandifiedufe of what the enjoyes, and Tweet content therein, whether her portion befrail or great. Ihave learned, in What everftate I am, :herewith to be,cantent. I know, both how robeabafed, and I know ;how toabound ; every Where, in all things I am infirm- tied, both to befull, and to behungry, bath toakound, and to tiger Ter need, Phil. 4. 1 1, 12. living under that fpeciail pro- vidence, whereby the is preferved night and day, Ifaiah 27. 3. But in fpirituallbleilings is her fpeciall advancement a- bove the world. Bleílèdwith all fpirituallbleilings, inhea- venly places, in Chrilt, Eph. 1.3. Eyebath netJaen, nor Bare hoard, neither have entred into the heart of man, the things WhichGod loathpreparedfor them that love him, G Cot. 2.9. As,,in effeduall calling to the mate ofgrace, wherein they haw fpirituall fociety with God in ChriPc : Blefed is the man whom thou choofeft, and caufeft to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy Courts ; We foal be fatiffied with thegoodneffe ofthy houfe, even ofthy holy Temple,'Pfal. 65. 4. beingmarried Intohim. For thymaker is thine hurburad, If. 54.5. And, I will betroath-thee-unto mefor ever, yea, I will betroath thee unto me in riáhteoufEre f fe,andin judgement, and in loving kì,,adnef e, and in mercies, IWill even betroath thee untome infaithfulneffe, and thou/halt know the Lord,. Hof. 2. 18, 19. fo Pfd. 45. and Canticles. juíuification. from theguilt offintne. Vverias DAvid alfo defcribeth`the bleffedneílèof the man, iutt©whomGod imputethrighte- cwfneffe without works ; facing, Bltfedare they Whofe ana= quities areforgiven, andwhofe f runes are covered : 'ale ed theman to Whom the Lord will not impute f B ttne 4 6,7, 8. inadoption, tothehonour and 'fate Wfo nnes nd daughters; Behold, what mannert flove the 'Father 'hoe