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Verf3. An Expofation ofthe 87. Pfalme. outward pollution by unclean creatures. The fame duty is enjoyned upon the prohibitingofidolatry and. witchcrafts, Levit. 20.7. So that, whether the fin be fmall, or great, wemull: abflain from it, becaufe wehave anholy God, and live in an holyplace, which is his Church ; as we fay in the eonfefgonofour faith, I beleev theholy Catholike Church. Who {hall afcend into the hill of the Lord ? and who fhall ffand in his holy place ? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, &c. I'fal. 24. 3, 4. Hence was the ufe of the paddle in thecamp, to cover their excrements; becaufe Godwalk- ed in themidfl: ofthe camp, Deut. 23. 13, 14. The fecund thing to be noted here is, the declaration of the Churches happineffe, in the faire ground of her certain hopes ofher future bleflîngs, namely, Godsgracious pro- mifes of glorious things to be done unto her ; every one whereof is mentioned in GodsWord, as the phrafe in the originali doth imply, joyning a participle of the fingular number to a nonne ofthe plurall ; which fome render thus, Glorious things is f ok.en ofthee : meaning, that every one of them, concerning the Churches happineffe, is particularly mentioned in Gods Word. Mark then, that God in his word doth plainly and par- ticularlymention exceeding glorious things, belonging to theChurch, touching her futurehappineffe. Thefe docon- cernpartly her happy deliverance from evils : for, God_hall redeem Ifrael from all his iniquities, Pfal. 130.8. When thou paf'eft through the waters, Iwill be with thee. and thorow the rivers, they fhall not overflow thee: when thou wallZef thorow thefire, thou ¡halt not be burnt, &c. If. 43.2. &c. But chiefly her fruitionofblef ings,even in this world,un- der the Kingdome ofChrift, called theaccepted time, and day offalvation, 2Cor. 6. 2. the timeof reformation,Heb. 9 lc. Glorious things indeed were fpoken of thefe times, as i Cor. 2. g. Eyebathnotfeen, nor ear heard, neither have entred into the heart ofman, the things which Codhathprepa- redfor them that love him, if Pet. i . 12. See force particulars, which arefor quality admirable, and for number almost in- N n 2 numerable 97 The fecond Obfcrvatioq.