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71 98 AnExpofitionofthe 87. Pfalrne. Verf.3. numerable. Now the light ofthe Moonfhallbe, at the light ofthe Sunne, andthe light ofthefunne(hall be (evenfold,If. 3o. 26. meaning, that there fhall be a wonderfull encreafe of knowledge andof the comforts of grace. Now Kings fhall be her nurfinó' fathers, and 2ueens her nurfing mothers, &.c. If . 49. 23. Addehereunto, If . 54. I, 22,3, I I, 12, I3. andIf. 6o. I, 2. and 62. 1, 2. and 65. 17, 18. and 6C. I I, 12. and the 21. and 22. chapters of the Revelation. And whatfoeverlhall be wanting to the Church, or to any true member thereof, in this world, fhall be fuperabundantly fupplyed, and recompenced in the world to come ; as Rom. 8. 18. 1 Cor. 15. 53, 54. 2 Cor. 4. 14, 16. and 5. 1. &c.. Philip. 3.20, 21. The ground and reafon ofthis courfe of Gods dealing,in mentioning glorious things, to belong to his Church, is three-fold ; The Eft rea- Firít, to allure and draw naturall men to joyn themfelves fon. unto theChurch, that their part may be in the fruition of thefe glorious things, as cillofes allured ?ethro (calledalto Hebab) to gowith them into the land of Canaan, Numb. IC. 12, 3 2. Come thou With us, and we Will do theegood ;for the Lord loathfjiokengood concerning Ifrael, And it 'hall !e,if thou gowith uc ; yea it 'hall be, that whatgoodneffe the Lord 'hall do unto us, thefamewill we do unto thee. The feennd Secondly, to encourage the true membersofthe Church, R.eafon. unto growth and perfeverance in graceand obedience ; for, in thefe glorious things promifed,wemay fee the reward of religion, even the comforts of grace here, and crown of glory hereafter; as Mofes onTifgah taw all the land of Canaan,`Deut.34. 1. &c. Herewith the Patriarchs were al- lured tofollow the Lord, andc.'tofes to leave the honour ofPharaoh's court, Heb. I I. 13, 24, 25, 26. This haítened St. Paul to his holy endeavour for perfeaion in grace,Phil. 3. 13,14. This one thing I do,forgetting thofe things which are behind, and reachingforth unto thofe things,which are be- fore, Ipreffe towardthemar,.,,for thepriceofthe high calling ofGod in thrift ?erns. Thirdly,