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Verf.4: As Expofitionofthe 87. Pfalrne. 99 Thirdly, tocomfort the godly under aftlie:lions, which The third follow the fincere profeflionofthe faith , and are as {harp Reafon. and dangerousItorms to paffengers by fea. But in thefeglo- rious things promifed , we maycaát anchor fafely , and be- hold thequiet harbour of reft and fafety. In the multitude ofmy thoughts withinme , thy comforts delight my foul. `Pfal. 94.19. Remember thewordunto thy fervant, upon which thouhaft caufed me tohope. This is my comfort in mine afflic`tion : for thy word hath quickened me , Pfd. I 19, 49, 5o. See alto. Rom. S. 18. with 2 Cor. 4. 14, 16. and t Pet. 1, 5, 6. This ferves for inftruc`tion, admonition, and comfort. The fir[f üfe For inftruction, twowayes : Firft, that the happineffe fur inftru- of Gods Church and children mull not be meafured by Rion. their outwarddate in thisworld, which many times is not onely very mean , but miferable : as the Apoftle fhewes, 3 Cor. 15. 19. ifin this life onely wehave hope in Chri/ 7e- fus, we are of all menmoil miferable. Their happineffe therefore mull be meafüred , by their prefent title to Gods favour in Chrift, through the covenant of grace, whereby they have the Lord for their God, which is true happines. P.P. 144. 15. Happy is that people, that is infilch a cafe : yea happy is that people , whofe God is the Lord. And by their certain title to future glory, wherein they greatly re- joyce , though for a feafon they be in heavineffe , I `Peter I.6. Secondly, fee here, what a profitable and comfortable The fecond thing it is to be muchconverfant in Scripture, which is the Ufe fur in- Great Charter of Gods Church, {hewing all the glorious ftruftion. things, whereto fhehath right and intereit in Chrift Jefus. And indeed they are very great : for, if God fpared not his own fonne, but delivered him up for us all : how {hall he not withhim alto freely give us all things ? Rom.8.3z. He is madeunto us of God, wifdome , righteoufneffe , fanétifi- cation, and redemption, 1 Cor. I. 3o. Thofe Gentlemen, that fall Wards , in their minority , take great delight to reade or hear of their deeds and evidences , which thew N n 3 What