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tco 1,7 Expofitionof the 87. Pfalme. Verf. what Lordfhips, what demaines and royalties dobelong unto them. Why fhouldnot we fo delight in Gods word? Thegodly havefo done, 7 ob 23. i z. I have e(leemed the words of ofhis mouth, more thenmy neceffaryfood. Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy wordwas unto me thejoy and rejoycingof mine heart , fer. i 5, i 6. Howfweet are thy Words unto my tofre ? yea fzreeter then honey to my mouth, Pfd. 119. 103. 'rejoice at thy word, as one thatfindethgreat fpoil, Pfal. 119. i 6z. The firs# ufe For admonition, two wayes : Firfl , that living in the for admoni- Church,we make furewe have good right and title to thefe Lion, glorious things that are fpoken ofher. It is true, thefe days of grace under the Gofpel have accomplifhment of them, in goodmeafure, as 2 Cor. 6.2. Behold, now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day offalvation. But yet our perfo- nall right muft be meafured by the truth of our Faith : for, thefe precious promifes do belong to them , that have ob- tained like precious faith, z Pet. I. 7, 4. The muft therefore prove ourfelves , whether we be in thefaith, z Cor. 13.5. Which is bet knownby the workof f the word , 2 Theff. 2. 13. in thefanaification ofthe heart, Aas i5. 9. andreformation ofthe life, As 19. i Q, 19. The fecund Secondly, that we walkworthyof the Lord, and ofhis de for admo- glorious promifes, in the profeifionofour faith. The way nitiou. is (hewed upon this ground, 2 Cor. 7. 1. Having therefore thefepromifes, dearly beloved , let us cleanfe our('elvesfrom allfzlthinef e ofthe fiefh , andf#irit , perfeaing holineffe , in thefear ofGod. And Coloff. i . i c,6-c. That ye might walk. Worthy ofthe Lord, unto all pleafang,beingfruiting inevery good work., and encreafing in the knowledge ofGod, &c. The de for For comfort, this makes greatly , toevery true mem- confort. ber ofthe Church, in any mifery: Theymuff call to remem- brance thefe precious promifes of future glory : and fo , though the outwardmanperifh , yet the inward man will be renewed daily, 2 Cor. 4.14, 19. Thus have the godly comforted themfelves in all times. Rejoyce not againfl me, O mine enemy, When Ifall Ifhall arife , when I fit in dark- neffe