Verf4. An Expofitionof the 87. Pfalme, nefe, theLordfhall bea light unto me , Micah 8. As the fufferings of Chrif abound inus, fo our confolations alto abound by ( hri,íi=, 2 Cor. i. 5. For ifwe fuffer, we (hall alfo raign with him 2 Tim. 2. 12. Our light afflic4ion, which is but for a moment,worketh for us a farre more ex- ceeding and eternall weight ofglory. 2 Cor. 4.'17. Hence it is faid , that Chrifihimfelffor the joy that Wasfet before him , endured thecrab fe , defjiifing the /name. Hebr. i 2. 2. So faith, St. Peter, Rejoyce, in as much asye arepartakers of Chrifitsfuferings : that when hisglory ¡hall be revealed, yemay beglad47With exceeding joy, i Pet. 4. I 3. Verle4. 1 will make mentionofRahab and Babylon to them that knowme. Behold, Phzliflia andTyre , With Ethiopia : this manWas born there. HF re he comes to confirm the truth ofthat he had faid in the former Verle, touthiug the glorious things fpoken ofthe Church, by particular inifánce, in the calling and converfion of many forraign nations, even of filch, asformerly had been cruel! enemies of Gods people. For the better conceiving whereof, we,muft fearch out two things : Firif, thecountries , or people here fpokenzof: Secondly, how theircalling or converfion to the Church is expreffed. The Countries here named , by which wemil under- ftand the people inhabiting them , are in adouble rank : Firft, Rahab and Babylon. By Rahabwe mUf undecftand not the harlot Rahab, that received the Spies, ?oa.asma- ny of the ancient Fathersdo, viz.?erome, Aufin, Theodo- ret, Euthymiw,Ca,odorus, and others. Forfir,ír,hername in the original!, is written with a denfe afjiirate ï1: but this word is written with a milde alpirate Secondly, the con- joynednames do Phew, that by Rahabhere is meant a na- tionor people, rather then oneparticular perfon whereby wemay fee how inprious and prejudicial! to truth it is, to make the unanimous or general! content ofFathers, the right IQI. The meaning of the words.