Expafitionofthe87. Pjalme. Vera: 4. right rule ofinterpreting the Scripture;whereto we fhould tyeour felves for the underhanding of it , as the Councell ofTrent doth in the fourth Seflion. But by Rahab wee mull here underftand Egypt , as in many other places it is certainly taken. Thou haft bro- ken Rahab in pieces , as ene that is plain. Pfal. 89. t c. Art thouit, that hath cut Rabab , and wounded the dragon? Ifa. 51. 9. Where Rahab is Egypt, and the dragon is Pharaoh theKing thereof, as the Verfe following doth plainly in- timate. Why Egypt is calledRahab,is very probable from fome City fo called ; or rather, as I conceive, from her conceited ftrength , wherein the didpride her fell: whereto, fome think, allufion is made Ifa. 3o. 7. Babylon is the chief Cityof Aíl'yria, as Gen. io. i o. here put, as Rahab, or Egypt,alfo is, for the inhabitants thereof. And their calling into the Church, or enfranchifing into the Cityof God , is thus expreffed. God will make men- tion of them , or caufe them to be remembred, to thofe that know him , that is, tohis own peopleof Ifrael , who being theLords by covenant , both knew the Lord , and were knownofhim. Philiftia alfo, and Tyre, with Ethiopia, areplaces often mentioned in Scripture , and as theformer , are here put for the inhabitants thereof. Their calling alfo to be Gods people is thus expref ed : This man was born there. That is, any one ofthe fore-namedcountries was born, by fpirituall regeneration in Gods Church among them. In the words thus underftood note thefe things : The firil ob- Firfi, the defcription of Gods people, the Ifraelites, by fervation. this good quality,or property,that they knowGod: where this is plainly taken for granted , that thofe that be the Lords people, having true fociety and acquaintance with him, doundoubtedly know the Lord : Ifrael'hall cry unto me, my God, we know thee, Hof. 8.2. They ¡hall all 10ow me, from theleafl of them to thegreateft ofthem. Jer. 31. 34. The