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`serf`. 4i AnExpafitr®na, fshe 87. P falme. The reafonhereofla plain for whomfoever God ac. cepteth into lodey and fellowfhlp with himfelf cove- milt, unto themdothhe reveal and make known h1mfelf, that thereby they maybeenabled to walk worthy of him, as john le, 14 Iam thegood jbepheard, Iknow my /beep andan known ofmine. He that lovethme, fhall be lovedof rrsy Father, andIwill lovehim,andwill manifef my J 1furs4 to him, John 14. 21. Thus he dealt with the Jewes, when he took them into covenant with himfelf, Exod. . 6. 13, 14, t s , I 6. And fo he dealt with the Gentiles, when hee railed them into the fellowlhip ofhis fonne , as Sr. Pauli fpeech to the Galatiansplainly theweth, Gal 4. 8, 9. when yeknew not G4 yedidfervje unto them, which by nature are no Gods, But now,afterjchaveknown god, orrather are knownofGod, how turnye again, d-c. This ferves for inflruaion, admonition andcomfort. The sire fat For inflruftion,it fhewes plainly the miferablecondition inflru6tivn. of all ignorant people that know not God, it is a fearful! Ligne, they arenot the Lords by covenant ofgrace. They that want the knowledgeof God are like horfe and mule, Pfal. 32. 9. worfe then theoxe or affe, If, I.3. Which is not only a flare offhame : For force have not the know- ledgeof God, If eak,this tojourfhame, i Col-. 15. 34. but of wofull danger, for the Lord hath a controverfie with them, Ho,/ Andwill come in flaming fire rendring ven- geance to them, 2 Thee. 1. S. Foradmonition, it ferves effedlually two wayes Firfl, The Grit ure to tryour eftate,touching this knowledge of God,whether for adcnoni wehave fo much,as may intitle us to his fociety, that weare tip. his bycovenant, whereunto is required, not only a right conceiving of God in our minds, that he isone in effence, and three in perfons, moil holy, wife, eternal!, and infinite in power and offence, creatorand governour ofall things ; but allo, affiance ofheart, whereby we acknowledge him, and yell and rely upon hitm,for all the bleffings of the cove- nant of grace in Chr,fl, which is indeed a juf}ifyingand fa- vingknowledge; whereof fee lf: 53. i I. ?oh,/ 17.3. Secondly