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104 An Expoftionofthe 87. Pfalme. Verf. 4. The fecond Secondly; in the want hereofto give all diligence to at- ufe for admo- tain unto it, exercifing our felves in his word and works nitiou. and fan&ifying our endeavour by prayer, for the bleffing of Gods fpirit, tobring us to this faving knowledge, and acknowledgement of God, bywhich an entrance (hall bee made unto us abundantly, intohis everlafting Kingdomeof grace here, and of glory hereafter. This laving knowledge of God is fruitfull, ever joyned with other graces, as faith, vertue, patience, temperance, &c. which who fo lackcth; is blind, andCannot feea fairreoff, 2 Pet. i . 5,6,7,S. 'The tire for For comfort, this makes greatly to all thofe, that thus comfort. rightly know the Lord, and acknowledge him ; for, ifhere- in they perfevere, undoubtedly the Lord will one day own them, and acknowledge them before his father. whofoever ,allconfefeme before men, him (ball the f nx:e ofman al/o confefe before the Angels ofGod, Luke 2. 8. The greatneffe ofwhichbenefit will appearby the mifery of the want of it; which fee ciWat. 7.23. Inever 1Zne,r you, Depart fromme ye that wor ;iniquity, Mat. 7. 23. and 2 5. i 2. The fecond The fecond thing to be obferved here, is the fävóur of Obfervation. God to thefe heathenpeople in their converfion. The Lord will remember them, or make favourable and loving men- tionof them,-to his people, or among his people ; as forre a derll:and the place : Which is plainly confirmed, If 19, 24, 25. in tlatday }hall ifrael be the third -with Egypt, and withAffyria, even aIlefng in the midft of the Land : whom the Lordof hogs(hallbide ; faying, Blefed be Egypt my people,andAffÿria the workpfmy hands, and Ifrael mine in- heritance. The Reafon. The reafon is plain ; Gods holy and effeduall calling brings men into the fellowíhip and fociety of his forme, i Cor. i. 9. And in this eftate there is no difference from outward things : Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcifion, nor uncircurncifion,Barbarian, Scythian,bond, nor free, hut Chrift is all) and in all, Colof. 3. i z . It plea- fed thefather, that in himfhorldallfullnefJedmell, Colof. r . t9. and all that areeffehuaiiycalled, are compleat inh im,