Vert-14. AnExpofLion ofthe 87. Pfalmt. 105 Colof. 2. Io. Whereupon the fame Apollle faith, art thou called beingafervant ? care not for it. For bee that it called in the Lord, being afervant, is the Lordsfreeman; liearifealto, he that ùcalledheingfree, is Chrifisfervant,t Cor. 7. zTt, b. This ferves for initraaion,. admonition, and comfort. For inftruaion, fee plainly here, that the dignity and Ito- Tlye uf. far nour ofan holy calling, to be a Chriftian,isexceeding great, in(lruftion. their prerogativesabove natural! men,that remain uncalled, be much every manner ofway, as Rom. 3. 1, 2. It is the high calling ofGodin Chrifl efus, Phil. 3. 14. A chofengenera- tion. a royall Prieflhood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, Y Pet. 2.9. N.,oty they are no more frangers and forreiners, butfellow Citizens with theSaints, and of the hou/hold of God, Eph.2. 29. F heires, andofthefamebody,andpar- takers ofhis promife in Chrift, Eph. 3. 6. Vppon occafion of which fpirituall and heavenly dignities undoubtedly it was, that passi a prifoner wifhed of God, that Agrippa a King, and all that heardhimwere altogether fuch, as hee was (that is truebelievers in Chrilt) except hisbonds, Aas 26.29. For admonition, it ferves twowaves : Firli, tonaturali The 6rí1 ufe men,ifever theydefire true fpirituallhappinefïe,and honour for adn'*: to their foules, they mutt take notice of that ordinance of tion. God, wherein he vouchfafeth unto men anholy calling and of that right manner of ufing the fame, whereby Gods ordinance may be fanc`}ified unto them. The ordinance is theholy Gofpell preached, That the Gentiles fhould be fel- lowheires, and of the fame body, and partakersofhis pro- mife in Chrill, by the Gofpell, Eph. 3.6. God hath from thebeginning chofen you to falvation, through fanccificati- on ofthe fpirit, and beliefofthe truth, whereunto he cal- led you byour Gofpell, to the obtaining ofthe gloryof the LordJefus Chrift, 2 Theff. 2. 13, 14. I declare unto you the Gofpell, which Ipreached untoyou,which altoyehave received,and wherein yettand : Bywhich allo ye are faved, &c. I Cor. 14. 1, 2. This Gofpell preached is the word of 0 o .z faith,