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26 ßíoExpofition ofthe 27. Pfellme. Vert. 4 fpieit ofhisforane intoyour hearts. Gal. 4.6. Secondly, the trueGod, in Chris Jefiis, gives to all the true members of the Church freedome , and deliverance from all hurtful! evils. By imputing his righteoufneífe unto them, he doth acquit them from the whole guilt , and curfe of fanne, both original! corruptions , and acftuall tranfgref- fions : whereupon all the evils thereof, in temporali and corporal! miferies, as they arecurfes, are removed. See Gal. 3. r 3. Chrishath redeemed us from the curfe ofthe law, be- ing made acuriefor us : whereupon, Rom. 8. i . There isno condemnation to themwhich are in Christ tefus : and more generally, Luke; I.68, &c. A7-ls r 3. 39. The third Thirdly,here God affordeth to his children,the full and Reafon. Pure fruitionof all needful! bleflings , heavenly and earthly. See Ephef. i. 3. for heavenly : and for earthly, fee oath. 6.32,33. The blef ings of hishoufe are great, as Pfal.65.4. Here is no lack. Pfal. 34. t o. See force particulars. The firfl bief- Firft, hereGod gives direction in every good way. Pfd. Sing in Gods 3 2. 8. Iwill inftrud thee , andteach thee in the way which houle, thou fhatt go : Iwillguide thee With mine eye. Pfal. 73. 2'4. Thou (halt guide me With thy courfell. A type hereofhee chewed tohis people in the wilderneflè, Exod. 13. 21, 22. in the pillar ofcloud by day, and fire by night. The fecond Secondly, here is plentiful! provision, both for foul and ble flingin body. 'P. 34. Io. For the foul fee, ?ohn6. 27, 33, 35, Gods houle. 5, 63. t Cor. io. 16. Here is the tree of life,and the well of life. Rev. 22. 1,2. Pfeil. 36.9. With thee is the foun- tainof life. Pfal. 87. 7._ ll my fprings are in thee : that is, in the true Church. the body , tee, Ifaiah 65. I 3. Pfal. 37. 3, 4. '", The third Thirdly , here is fafe protection , and prefervation , by bleffing in fpeciall providence. Pfal. 9t. I , &c. implied , and affitred Gods houfe: to all the faithful!. (Math. lc. 29, 30, 31. It is faid the Kings fervants in ordinary cannot be arrefted, but by war- rant from the Lord Chamberlain, and ordinary attendants r on Parliament-men, have great freedomes ; but the fervants ofGod have more:fee john 19.1 1. lob 1.10. Alts 18.10. Fourthly, "fig/. . 89.22.