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1o6 AnExpo/Nonofthe 87. Pfalme. Verf.4 faith; Rom. To. 8. The itnmortall feedofour new birth in all lavinggraces, t Pet. x.23, 25. And fo the power of God unto falvatton , to every one that belicveth, Rom. I. 16. The right manner, wherein wemutt wait in the forefaid ordinance, for theblcffedworkof the fpirit, in an holy eai. ling is this s kirfl, by the law to feeour miferable eítate by nature, which will ítìrreup the {bide to leekmercy, as .its . 37. they were pricked in their hearts, andlaid, Alen and Brethren, what /hall we doe ; and to break off the courfeof finne, whereon is promifed the gift of the fpirit, Prov. r. 23. rurnyou at my reproofe, behold, I will powre out my #irit untoyou. Secondly, to hunger and thirft after the work ofthe fpirit, as the dry ground dothafter rain, as P;al. i 4 3.6. I ftretch forth myhands unto thee : myfoule thirfteth after thee as athirfy land. This hath the promife of the fpirit, If, 43.1.1 oil/ poure water upon him,that is thirty, andRoods upon the dryground: Iwill poure my f iris upon thyfeed,andmy bleffing upon thine elfBring. Thisearneft fpirituall delire muff be teltified by waiting in the means for the workof the fpirit, as the impo- tent perlons did at the poole ofBethefda for the movingof the waters by theAngell, ?ohn 5. 3, 4. And allo by earneít prayer toGod, whereto the fpirit is promifed,Luke Ifye, being evill, kttow how togivegoodgifts unto your chil- dren, howmuchmore(hallyour heavenlyfathergive theholy fpirit to them that aske him ? Thirdly, to yeeld obedience to that weknow, for to fuch the fpirit is promifed, AC7s 5. 32. We are his witnefles of thefe things, and fo is allo the holy Ghoft,whomGod hath given to them that obey him. The feeond Secondly, all godlymen profeffing the faith mufthereby care for admo- be admoniíhed to walkworthy oftheir holy caliing,asEph. áitiwa, z . 4. which ifthey would do, they muff remember their prefent {late, which is fellowíhip with God in Chriíl, i Cor. i. 9. and their future hopes ineternall glory, z lbef 2.