Verf4. 4$Expofitlonofthe 87. Pfalme: 107 2, I 3, 14. Bothwhich do call for daily and conftant care and endeavour to leave finne, and to live godly : as z Cor. 7. 1)2. Andeveryone that hath this hope , purifiethhim- felf, even as he is pure. I ?ohn 3.3. For comfort, thismakes greatly toall godly ones , that The for areeffeftually called,when mífery and díltreffein the world comfort. ufe £hall come upon them , they have wherewithto comfort themfelves : for , God by his holy calling hath brought them into the focietie ofhis forme, as before is (hewed, and nothing that befals them outwardly, can feperate there from themhis love, but, in all the afilidions of this world, they are more then conquerours, Rom. 8.35, 37, 3 8. This calling is of grace, Gal. 1. i 5. And grace is a fufficient groundof comfort under the greatest buffeting : 2 Cor. I 2. 9. c.í` '[ygrace is fufficient for thee : for my ftrength is made perfetl in weakneffe. (Mojgladly therefore will I ra- therglory in my infirmities , that the power of Chrift may ref upon me. The third thing to be noted here is , that fpeciall State, The third ob- whichdeclares any man, of any nation, to be a freeDeni ervation. fonofGods City, and a true memberof his Church, name- ly, to beborn there : vet not by naturali generation , but, by fpirituall regeneration : whereof Christ fpeaking faith, they muff be bornagain, orfrom above, J ohn 3. 3. borne of Water, and ofthe holy Ghoi?, ,John 3. 5. Z'ot offirth, nor of blood, nor oftheWill oîman, but of God : Joh. i. 13. Mark here, then, that, To be born again , declares any man, of any nation, to hea free Denifon of Gods holyCity, anda true member ofhis Church. This is plain by the former place, 7oh. 3. 3, 6. to all thofe, that underítand the nature and forceofan exception to a generali rule , which is, to put the contrary to the rule. It is indeed a true rule in Scripture , That Gods Church is Gods kingdome , intowhich man in the corrupt State of nature cannot enter, as heir to inherit. Flefh and bloud cannot inherit the kingdomeof God : neither doth corru- ption inherit incorruption , i Cor. 15. 5o. But yet, iffuch 0 o 3 aone