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ioS An .Expofition of the 87. Pfd Verf, 4 aone be born again , he Both certainly enter , as heyr , and íhall inherit : as, I Pet. t . 3.4. Blef fedbe the GodandFa- tiler ofour LordefmChril,zrhich according to his abundant mercy hath begotten rte again , untoa livelyhope , by the re- fterre iiouof?efiadChriffrom the dead , To an inheritance incorruptible, &c. Mark alto, that true faith and regeneration do accom- pany each other. Whofoever beleeveth , that Jefus is the Chrift, is born of God , h. r. Now , true believers are children , Gal.3.26. For,yeare all the children ofGod, by faith in Chrift Jefils,andfo free, as v`i[atth. 17. 26. they areheyres, Gal. 4.7. and have great prerogatives implyed, ?ohm I. 12, 13. expreflèd Ephef z. 19. Fellow-citizens with the Saints, and of the houfholdofGod. Fellow-heirs of the fame body, E.phef. 3.6. The reafonhereof is plain : for this change of Aare in foul, byregeneration, is the proper fruit ofthe fpirit of A- doption , in an affeftuall applyingof the power and effica- cieofChrifts death and refurrec`fion : bothwhich proceed from the fpeciall love of God the father , in that faving work, which auallymakes themhis children, and fo heyrs of thekingdome, Rom. 8. i7. joynt heires withChrift: and fo free, for the children are free, cs3'tatth. 17. 26. Chrift Je_ fus: the naturali fonne,doth make them free,and fo they are free indeed, 7013. 8. 36. For, where the fpirit of theLord is, there is liberty,z Cor.3. 17. Therefore the Apole faiths this begettingagain is to a lively hope, to an inheritance in- corruptible andundefiled, I Pet. i. 3, 4.. This ferves for inflruclion, admonition, andcomfort. For inftruc`tion, twowages. Firlc , that mans being in the Rateofgrace may be truly and certainlyknown.For re- generationor thenewbirthmay becertainly known which is theunfailing foundation ofthe irate of grace. a ?oh. 5.1. Whofoever beleeveth that ?efits is theChrift , is born ofGod. And true faithmaybe known, 2 Cor. 13.5. Again, we fee naturali generation is evident by the enlivened parts of a truehumane body:theirview and employment doth evince naturall The ReaCon. Thehrft tire for infiru- Ction.