Verf.4. 44$Expoftionof the87. Pfilme. zo9 naturali or corporal! generation ; why then (hall not the livelyparts ofthenew man, declare certainly our regenera- tion, whereby weare begotten andborn ofGod; as know- ledge in the minde, holineffe in the will and affeetions, and righteoufiiefí'e in life and converfation, Eph.4.27,22123,2<i. compared with Rom. 6. i9. Whence we may fee, that the Papifts do erre, in faving that the.flateof grace cannot bee certainlyknown, but by extraordinary revelation. Wemay well fay, they erre, not knoWi;ìg theScripture , nor thepower power ofGod. See z roh. 5. z 3. for faith, and i ?ohn 3.14. for love; as declaring this eftate. Secondly , that Godschildren fha!! undoubtedly perfe- of The vere in the Rateofgrace. They that be endued with true Uruftion. faithand repentance, and other faving graces , fhall never lofe the fame. True grace may be leffened , or weakened in degree, but not finally or totally loft. For all fuch are re- generateby the fpirit , and his work abides : his feed re- maines fo, as they cannot make finne their trade, by fin- slinguntodeath, orwith full confent , i roh. 3.9. and 5. z8. But fom believe for a time, Luk. 8. i F. ObjeRion. Their faith is humane,acquired and got by reading,hear- eArnfwer. ing , and other good exercifes of religion , without the workofthe fpirit : it is not infufed by the holy Ghoft in theforefaidmeans. Betweenwhich kindesof faith, this is the true difference , that acquired faith ever 'eaves force corner for thedevil!, fomefinne unreformed , as AEts 8. r 3,,19, 23. but faith infufed purifiesthe heart from the do- minion ofevery finne, as As 15.9. For admonition , this ferves effectually to move every The tile for one togive all diligence for this eftate, firli toget it, then admonition. to keep it. For the getting of it , confider Chrilts com- mand , Luk, 13. 24. Strive to enter in at the "trait gate. Which ftrift stands in two things : Firft , that we receive withmeekneffe theword of God , both the law , todifco- verfanne, and to humbleus for the fame , and theGofpel, to caft into our hearts the feed of grace : as tans. t. 2.1. Receive