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lac) din ExpefatianoftheE7. r falttte. Verí. q Receive With meeknefe theengraftedWord, whereinGodsf14 rit doth beget, Jam. 1. 18. Ofhis own Will begat he tu With the Wordoftruth, I Pet. 1. a 3, 25. Beingborn again not of corrupti' lefeed,but of incorruptibleby the roordofgodand this is thewordwhichby the Golpell is preached untoyou, It is thewordoffaith. Rom. I o. 8. whichdoth ever accom- pany regeneration, I Sohn 5. I. Whence yohn I. II,I2,13, Hecame unto hisown, andhis own receivedhim not : But, ru many as received him, to themgave hee power to become the formes ofGod, even to them that believe on his name ; Which were born, not ofblood, nor ofthe will of the f efb, nor of the Will ofman, but ofGod. Secondly, that we pray unto God inftantly and earneftly for Gods fpirit, which doth beget unto eternal' life, Luke a I. 13. For the prefervingand keeping of this efface, we tnuíi do three things a Firlc, keep fewell to the fparkof grace caíl; into our hearts by regeneration ; which is, byendeavouring, that the wordof Godmay dwell richly in us, C'oCof 3.16. Secondly, blow upon the fpark, when the fewell is put to : which is, by prayer, as I Theff 5.17. This Daviddid,Pfal. 51. IC, II, 12. Caime not away from thy prefence , and take not thy holyfpiritfromme. Thirdly, wrath againft fin, which is as water toquench the fpirit, and walk in obeli. ence which is pleating untoGod, and entitles us to Gods prefence and prefervation. Ifyccontinue in my Word, then areyemy Difcioles indeed, John 8. 31. whoffcver heareth therefayings ofmine, and doth them, I Will liken him unto a Wifeman, which built his houfe upon a rock. And the raine defcended, and thefloods came, and the Winds blew, andbeat upon that houfe, and itfell not : for it wasfounded upon a rock, Mat. 7. 24, 25. wherefore, my beloved, asyehave alwaies obeyed : not as inmy prefence only but now match more in my abfence,work outyour ownfalvation withfear and trembling, Phil. 2. 12. Seeingyou havepurifiedyourJoules, in obeying the truth, through theSpirit, unto unfained love ofthe bre- thren, I Pet. I.22 For