.Vert. 4. An Expofttzehofthe87. P Jaime. For comfort, this makes greatly to the regenerate ; for Theufe for Godhathbegun a goodwork in them,and will undoubted- comfort. y perfeft it, untill the day ofIefus Chrift, Phil. r. 6. here- in is the riches of Gods love and mercy feen. Ofhis love, i ?ohn 3. 1. Ofhis mercy, i Pet. I. 3, 4, 5' Now whom he thus loves, to the end he loves them, yohn 13. I. His gifts and callingare without repentance, Rom. I i . 29. By rege- neration we are fonnes and fo heires, Rom. 8. 17, 17. And who íhall lay any thing to thechargeofGodseled,Rom.8. 31. 33 The fourth thinghere to benoted is, the people and na- tions in whom hegives inflance,pointing them out byname, with commandoffpeciall obfervance, that by e%ftuallcal- ling and regeneration fhall become true members of his Church ; namely, the Egyptians , Babilonians, Phililims, men ofTyre, and Ethiopians, under whom he comprehen dethother Gentiles, yet nameth fuch as were well known unto the yewes (then Gods only people) formerly to have fhewed themfelves their greateft enemies. Egypt and Ba- bilon were the places ofIfraels bondage and captivity. The Philifitims likewife were fore oppreffours, and Lords over them, yude'. i5. I r. even fortyyears together, yud7. 13.1. The menof lyrewere bitter enemies, delivering up the whole captivity toEdom, and remembred not the brother- ly covenant, eXmos I.9, Their cruelty fee further , roel 3.4,6. andPfal. 83. 7. TheEthiopians were likewife grie- vous enemies, as their bloody affault with a huge Army did plainly Phew. 2 Chron. 14.9. Yet for all this, Behold,faith the Lord, thefe¡hall be converted, and become friends to the Church, free Denifons ofSion ; for all N.ations ¡ball ferve him, meaning Chrift prefigured by Solomon, ¶fal. 72. I I, The gentiles (ballcome to thy light ; The abundance of the Sea¡hall he converted unto thee, the forces of the gentiles 'ballcome unto thee, If. 6,o. 3, 5. That the refdue of mere mightfeekafter theLord, andall the Gentiles,upon Whommy name is called, faiththe Lord, Afts I S. 17. In particular of Egypt and Babilon, fee If, 19. 19, 21, 25. In tkat day,Jhall P p there The fourth. Obfervation.