V2 4n cpfftiDsof a 87. Pfdlme. Vert. 4. there bean Altar to the Lord, in the mill?of the land ofE_ gypt And theLordjhallbe known to Egypt, andtheEgyp- tiansAnil k:nfv the Lord in 'that day, and Jhaltdoe facrifice 4cnetoblatEióri,yew theyJháll vowa vow unto the Lord, and 'perform? it, And,. Bhif-edbe Egypt my people, and Aífvria :the ,worljpfm.v hands, And ofTyre,`fal.4 5 .1 2. Thedaugh- ter ofTyrePhan le there witha gift. And ofEthiopia, Pfal. OS, 31. Princesfallcome out ofEgypt, Ethiopia(hallloon etch-out bt4. hands unto God. But why doth he inflance in thefenations efpecially,when asin "them he intends to íhew the converfionof the Gen- tiles ? The 6r(i Rea- Thishe doth for three caufes : Firfl, to Ihew the great- !!on. _ tnef e of his power, who can not only confound, but even convert the greateít enemiesof hisChurch : For theircon- founding, feeExod. 14,2.7,38.and .Arumb.i 6. And for con- verfion, feeAccts 9. T,&C. The fccond Secondly, thishe doth to manifeft even to enemies his Reafon. great love unto his Church ; as he faith, Revel. 3.9. I Will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, Which fay they are yewes,and are not, but do'ye behold, IWillmake them to come, andWorfhip before thyfeet ,aad tol`noar, that Ihave lo- ved thee. The third Thirdly, for the encouragement ofhis Church and chil- Reafon. dreg unto faith and patience, in the times ofoppofition by mighty enemies : For the true God, who is God of the Church, can either confoundor convert them at his plea- {lire; or ifhedo neither ofthofe things, yet he can caufe the wrathof his enemies to turn tohis praife, Pfal. 76. i O. as is plain in the rageofNabuchadnezzar againft his fervants, Dan. 3. 19, 20, 38, 29. Tks ferves for Inftrationwith confutation, admoniti- on, andcomfort. The tie for For infruc4ion, In theconverfion of thefe mighty ene- ï(t fïion. mieswe may plainly fee, that when God is pleafed to Chew mercy in Chrift the graciouswork ofhis holy fpirit is irre- ii,{tible: corruption indeed-is ftrong,but yet thegrace of the fpirit.