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Verf..4. k Expofition ((the 87. Pfatme. fpirit is ftronger, as is faid, i 7ohn 4.4. Greater is he, that is inyou, then he, that is in the world. The Devill indeed ig the ftrongman armed, that keeps thehoufe of.evcry: qty..: rail heart, but vet Chrift by his fpirit is fronger, and cat{ come in, and catt out the firong man, Luke rI.2 r, 22.This is plainly (hewed in fit refemblances, If. i I. 6. The Wolfe (hall dwellWith the lamb, andthe leopardfball lyedown With thekidd, &c. which was trulyverified in Saul, that of mott bloody perfecutpr was made a zealous pteaéher, Acts 9. according to that ofour Saviour, ohn 6. 31, All, that the Fathergiveth me(ball come untomee. Though none can come except the Father draw, John 6. 44. yet When God draws, they runne, Cant. r. 4. By which it is plain that they grofíy errethat hold Gods faxing, work ofgrace be refitted bygrans corruption : for who hath refitted his will,that can raife up children untoAbrahamofvery ftones? Rom. 9.19. Mat. 3.9. Indeed our Saviour faith to the rebellious Jewes, (..lat. 23. 37. How often Would I have gatheredyou as an henne gathereth her chickens under her Wings, butyonWouldnot. And St. Stephen relleth the rebel- lious Jewes, they had ever refitted theholy Ghoft, Ails 7. r. But they both fpeakof refiftancemade to theoutward Miniftry, not to the inward powerful! work of the fpi- rit. Foradmonition, it ferves profitablyboth to godly Mi The ufe for nifters and people, not todefpaire ofany mans conver(ìon, admonition. though never fo refraftory or rebellious toGods ordinance, till they manifeft their rejec`lion ofGod by committing the unpardonable finne, whereofSt. ?ohn fpeaks, i ?ohn 5.ír6. For he can brake a PaulofSaul,andcaufethe Lyonandnthe Lamb to live together quietly. This indeed ought to be their behaviour, that with and wait for the means ofgrace, according to that plates -ii inftruFtiott..exhortationdmonition, -and the.likr .ias z Tini. 2..4 2 s} 26:in i prIblike ifchit be diááil s,rt+d ött private, if Clariitians; asCarlfat.,v4.14,5,:E. ¡fthy brther/í truaffeagaiìffthee, goandtat kiwi, his Pp 2 fault; 41$