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Y14 An Expoptianofthe87. Pfalrne. Verf.4.` fault, between thee andhim alone ; ifhefball hear thee,nthou haflgained thy brother, erc. For private ChriRians may be be means ofconverfión, tam. 5. 19, 20. Brethren, ifanyof you do erre from the truth, and oneconvert him,let him know, that he,which converteth thefanner from the errour ofhis way, fhafffaveafoule from death , and [hall hidea multitude of ftnnes. Secondly, they malt pray earneítly to God, for the workofhis fpirit, 1 ?ohm 5. i 6. If any man fee his brother finafisine, Which is not untodeath, hefball as1Ze, and hefhall givehim life, for them that iiunenot unto death. From un- feigned delire, as `Paul did, Rom. s O. 1. My hearts define Andprayer taGodfor Ifrael is, that they might befaved.And Rom. 9. z, 3, Ihavegreat heavineffe, andcontinuali ferror' my heart : For I could with, that myfelfe were accurfed fromChrif, for my brethren, my kinsmen acfording to the ftefh. Confider Davids behaviour for the natuiall life of his child, a Sam. 12. T6. David befought Godfor the child,and Davidfailed, andWent in, and lay all night upon the earth. And (hall not the fpirituall life of the foule be efeemed muchmore precious. Thirdly, they muffwalk before them in theexample ofa godly life ; as St. Peter exhorteth Chri- ftianwives to do, before their heathen husbands, i Pet. 3. 2, 3. Ye TVives be infubjeE on toyour husbands, that if f any obey not the Word, they alfo may Without the Word bee Wonne by the converfation of the Wives, &c. This godly life hath a gracious promife, Prov. 16.7. When a mans Wayes pleafe the Lord,he maksth evenhis enemies to be at peace With him. }or comfort ,. this makes greatly to the godly in the Thè ttfe for f rongett oppoftion bymatitious enemies, let them look up Trrsfat. to God, and confiderwhat he can do, either for theconfu- fionorconverfion of their enemies : Forconfufion,fee what bath,been Paid before, andadde the confideration of Gods dealing with the two Captains, 2. Kings 1. 10,12. and for ideau_again. the (Midianite:, 7udg. 7.2a. and for ?do- hiphatagainit the.threeKings ofMoab,Ammon,and mouFt Seir z.Ghrou.. zo. Z2, 23. Forconverfionofenemies, God