VerCS Expofition ofthe 87.Pfalme. can do it, either to temporali outward kindneffe, asin La; ban towards 7acob, Gen. 31. 29. in Efau toward ?acob, gen.33.1,,4. or to true fincere and unfeigned love,as inDa- rius, Dan. 6. and in Saul, that was afterward calledPaul, towards the Church,AFts 9.26. Verfe 5. And ofSion it(ball hefaid, This and thatman was born in her, and the higheft himfelf shall efíablifb her. Ere the Pfalmill proceeds in the confirmation of The meaning that hehad faid of the Cityof God,in the thirdverfe, of the words, that glorious things were fpoken ofher : namely, that be- fide theconverfion of many unto her, out of forrain Nati- ons, which had formerly been her greatest enemies, verfe 4. the should enjoy within her felf a double honour ; fiat, the calling and converfion of many within her, fecondly, confirmation and eitablilliment from the moil high. For the firs}, thecalling and converfionof many within her is thus expreffed ; Of Sion it fball befaid, this and that man zv&born in her. Where by birth (as hath been faid, verfe4) we mull underffand,not naturali birth by corporall generation, but fpirituall birth in regeneration. And the phrafe, this and that man,or man and man (as it is in theHe- brew, and the Greeks do fo render it) maynote out every man (meaning that is converted) as the like words are ta- ken, Eft. 1.8. and fo Paul faith, ?erufaletn Which is above is the mother ofus all, Gal. 4. 26. Or in regard that the phrafe, man and man, hereufed is oppofed to the likephrafe in the former vetfe, this manwas born there; it feems likelf, that here he denoteth theconverfion of moe in Zion,then in other particular places. Mark herethen, that it is and?sail be Sionsglory, and re- The ficfi ob=- nown,to have man &man born inher,that is,many men ofall fen:don. forts and conditionsborn of God, called and converted in her to the true faith. See If. 54.1. Sing, O barren, thou that didit not bear; breakforth intoDinging, and cry aloud, thou that didit not travel!Withchild : for moeare the children P p 3 of 115