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116 An .Expositionof the 87. Pfame, Verf. 5. ofthe defolate, then the childrenof the marriedWife,faith the Lord. Which place is beRexpounded, by C7&. 4. s7. Sarah long barren and her forme did prefigure 7erufalem from a- bove, the heavenly yerufalem, Mount Sion, Heb. 42. 22. Hagar and Ismael prefigured the people of the Jewes that clave to the covenant ofworks,given in Mount Sinai,which gendreth unto bondage, fee Gal. 4. 22, 26. This glorious thingforefhewed of Gods City, received accomplishment, partly in the Apoiles time, when even in yerufalem moe wereconverted unto the faith, at one or two fermons, then weread of in anyother place ; three thoufand, Acts 2.41. five thoufand, AFIs 4.4. Believers were the more added to theLord, multitudes both ofmen andWomen, Alts 5. 14. But chiefly it (hall be accomplifhed, in the fecond calling of the Jewes, when all Ifrael(hall beefaved, Romanes II. 26. The Reason. The reafon is plain : For multitude of converts is a ma nifell evidence ofGods fpeciall favour, in thebleffingof fa- ring grace, which is thegreateí renown , that can bee ;, as we may feeby Chrifts own rejoycing in it, Heb.z. 13. Be- hold, Iand the children, Which Godbathgivenme. In ancient time, it was counted a great renown to have many children, as Gen. 3o. 20. Leahfaid, God loath endued me withagood dowry ; nowwill my husband dwell with mee, becaufe Ihave bornhim fxe fonnes . And of Obed Edom, that he had eight fonnes, becaufe GodWelled him, Y Chr. 26.5. Howmuchmore then is it anhonour tobring forth childrenunto God ? This ferves for inftruaion, and foradmonition. The use for For inftrucion, feeherewhat is the true renown ofany tnílruftion. Kingdome, County, City, Parifh, or Family ; namely, to have man and man born ofGod there ; that is, many peo- ple effeetually called andconverted unto God : as AFIs 19 10. There be many things that will commend ,mete, in the world, as honour, wealth, beauty, power, &c. but ,none there