Verf. . 5. An Expofitzonof the 87. Pfalme. 117 thefe, nor all of them, without an holy calling, will com- mend men unto God. For admonition, it ferves effeaually, both toMinilfers The ufe for and topeople, that theygive all diligence in Gods means admonition. for the attaining ofthiselate. Minifters ma endeavour both for themfelves and others : and for this end muff re- ceive into their own hearts, and .difpenfe toother, the pure word of God, which is the immortali feed of this new ,birth, as it is called, Pm. T. i 8. i Pet. 1. 23, 25. For their diligence in faithful] difpenfation , fee z Tim. 4. i. i Cor. 9. ¡6. i Cor. 4. 2. And, becaufe all their endeavour with- out Godsbleffing is nothing, therefore they mul.f pray in- fantly and earneftly for the bleffingof thefpirit,to fanccti- fie the word, asSt. Pauldoth, Ephef. 3. i 4, &c. For this cattle Ibow my knee unto theFather ofour LordyefusChr, ofwhom the Wholefamily in heaven and earth is named,That he Wouldgrantyou, according to the riches ofhisglory , to be flrengthenedWithmight, by hisfpirit, in the inner man. That Chrift may dwell inyour hearts byfaith, thatyebeing rooted . andgroundedin love, may be able to comprehend with atf Saints, what is thebreadth and length, anddepth, and height ;; Andtoknow the loveofChrifl whichpafeth knowledge, that ye might befilledwith all the fulneffe ofgod. And that they may havebetter title to audience, they muff endeavour to walkbefore God, uprightly and and honelfly. For Godhea- rethnot f nners ; but ifany manbe a worfhipper ofGod , and (loth his will, him heheareth, John9. 3i. And the people,feeing thebenefit is theirs, muff confcio- nably exercife themfelves in the fame Chrilian duties, viz. hearing theVVord,.praying unto God, and a godly living : For the word, it is the feed, therefore receive it both mor- ning and evening; Confider what Solomon faith, Ecclef. i 1. 6. In themcrnìng faro thyfeed, in the evening withhold not thine hand : for thou knowefl not, Whether fl,all proffer, ei- ther this or that, or whether they both (hall bealikegood.And. feeing the blernng is in thehand ofGod, not in themeanes, asRom. 9.16. Is it not ofhim that willed), or of him that rinneth